Arbor Day 1913 [B 73763/1-14] • Photograph

School children receiving instruction on Arbor Day.
Group of school children listening to a talk on how to plant a tree on Arbor Day; a teacher providing instruction with the aid of a diagram.

Group planting trees on Arbor Day.
Groups of children and onlookers planting trees on Arbor Day in a hilly area near the sea.

Girl planting a tree on Arbor Day.
Group of girls and onlookers planting a tree on Arbor Day.

School children planting trees on Arbor Day.
Small groups of children digging holes to plant trees on Arbor Day.

Planting trees on Arbor Day.
Groups of children and adults digging holes and watering newly planted trees on Arbor Day.

Planting trees on Arbor Day.
Group of onlookers watching as trees are planted on Arbor Day.

Tree planting demonstration, Arbor Day.
Large group of school children watching a demonstration of tree planting on Arbor Day.

School children listening to instructions, Arbor Day.
Group of school children gathered for Arbor Day, listening to instruction on tree planting.

Boys planting trees on Arbor Day.
Group of boys planting trees in a park with supervision by adults, Arbor Day.

Digging holes for tree planting, Arbor Day.
Groups of children digging holes for tree planting.

Children planting trees on Arbor Day.
Groups of children digging holes for tree planting on Arbor Day.

Children planting trees on Arbor Day.
Groups digging holes for tree planting.

Watering newly planted trees, Arbor Day.
Large group gathered around trees newly planted and being watered on Arbor Day.

Arbor Day.
Newly planted trees alongside a road, with buildings in the background.