Participants in the children's centenary pageant [B 73584] • Photograph

Participants in the children's centenary pageant
A large group of girls, ages ranging from about eight to 14 years, in their 'maples and snowflakes' costumes, ready for their part in the 'Children's Centenary Pageant, Highgate School'. The 'maples' appear to be the older girls. Two handwritten notes on the back [not contemporary with the photo] read 'Margaret Joan Martin (nee Howell) 2 up LHS' and 'Helen Mae Martin 2nd row 5 in from right 4 in from Margaret'.

Participants in the children's centenary pageant
A large group of girls, ages ranging from about eight to 14 years, in their 'maples and snowflakes' costumes, ready for their part in the 'Children's Centenary Pageant, Highgate School'. The 'maples' appear to be the older girls. Two handwritten notes on the back [not contemporary with the photo] read 'Margaret Joan Martin (nee Howell) 2 up LHS' and 'Helen Mae Martin 2nd row 5 in from right 4 in from Margaret'.