Hoffmann photographs, box 1, Sea Scouts [B 73326/1-36] • Photograph

Group photograph.
A large group of men and women.

Group photograph.
A group of men, women and children.

Group photograph.
A group of men and women sitting and standing on rocks.

Man and woman on rocks.
A man and a woman sitting on rocks, assumed to be on or near Granite Island.

Ferry boats.
Two large ferry boats sailing across an expanse of water.

Bullock cart on the seashore.
A cart pulled by four bullock with two women and a man standing nearby.

Group photograph.
A group of men, women and children sitting on rocks, assumed to be on or near Granite Island.

Group photograph.
A group of men and women sitting on rocks.

Boy with Lion display.
A boy standing in a yard at the back of a building beside a hand cart loaded with Lion flour and jelly products. A toy lion stands at the top of the cart.

Rear of stone building.
The rear of 10 Ocean Street, Victor Harbor, as viewed looking west from Railway Terrace.

Three women.
Three women posing in a garden beside a wooden fence.

Group in a garden.
Three women, a man and a boy posing in a garden.

Group of clergymen.
A group of clergymen posing in a garden.

Lady astride a horse.
A woman sitting astride a horse, with several other horses and riders in the background.

Group on a platform.
A group of women and children sitting on a low platform, holding small buckets and spades. A gazebo and more people are in view behind.

Group on a verandah.
A group of men and women on the verandah of a stone building. Some of the men are dressed in striped jackets, and some ladies in striped neckties.

Group on a verandah.
A group of men, women and children on the verandah of a stone building.

Swimming at the beach.
A group of men, women and children dressed in swimsuits wading in the water at the edge of the shore

A group of men, women and children sitting at around a low camp stove, at the front of a tent. One scratch in emulsion.

Tennis players.
A group of men, women and children sitting in a group on a tennis court, with some holding tennis racquets.

Group at Inverary.
A group of men, women and children under the bull nose verandah of a stone building, which bears a sign reading 'Inverary' at the top. Wicker chairs are placed along the wall, and some people are reading.

Group on the lawn.
A group of men, women and children, some dressed in striped jackets, posing on a lawn. A two storey stone building is in view behind, and the corner of a verandah to the side.

Group on a verandah.
A group of men, women and children on the verandah of a stone building.

A waterfall cascading down steep rocks into a pool of water below.

Culvert along a road.
View of water running along a contained culvert, lined with reeds and willows, at the side of a road. Various buildings are in view along the road.

Back garden.
A view of a garden at the back of a wooden house, with a man standing on the other side.

Back garden.
A view of a garden at the back of a wooden house.

Group by a cliff.
A large group of men, women and children posing at the base of a cliff.

Group by a cliff.
A large group of men, women and children posing at the base of a cliff.

Seated lady.
A woman wearing a striped jacket sitting in a wicker chair beside the stone wall of a building.