Photographs relating to standard people A-Q [B 72599/1-84] • Photograph

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
John Lewis local historian at Walkerville cemetery 27/3/1996

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
South Australia Meat Corporation General Manger Des Lilley 2/5/1996

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Enfield High school principal John Lyon

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Dominique Neuhofes of Prospect. Aboriginal Reconciliation Movement 7/5/1998

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Andrew Plummer sampling for asbestos at Islington rail yard workshop 20/8/1997

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Kilburn football club. Phil Martin in front of the new club 25/3/1997

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Matthew Mitchell at a historical home, listing buildings to be protected 26/2/1997

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Alwin Munchenberg retired Yatala Prison warden 5/2/1997

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Barker Garden's new monument for 'Australia Remembers' with artist Leo Neuhofer 3/8/1995

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
David Malinda African in Northern Community 7/5/1995

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Enfield Family and Community Services (FACS) supervisor of intake and assessment team Roger McCarron 14/6/1995

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Artist Ann Newmarch 13/8/1997

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Enfield Family and Community Services (FACS) supervisor of intake and assessment team Roger McCarron 7/6/1995

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Terry Morse project director with the award winning energy efficiency model at Regent Gardens 25/1/1995

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Ian Modistach at Wingfield Dump with plastic bags 5/6/1996

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Protesting the Sefton Park Medicare office about to be closed 5/7/1997

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Ross Smith secondary school. Principal Judy O'Brien outside the new complex David Campbell performing arts centre 18/8/1998

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Nailsworth primary school Principal Ian Quirk concerned about student numbers 19/8/1998

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
South Australian Police constables Mick Foster and Brian Verco patrolling the streets of Klemzig

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Local nursing home resident Francie Skinner gives South Australian Police Constable Mick Foster's mount a friendly pat

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Peter Smith with his daughter Samantha (18) and wife Marylin. They are the new owners of historic Barton Vale House in Enfield 5/10/1995

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Enid Netting Associate Director National Archives with a rare collection of maps 19/5/1999

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Bazil Muir campaigning against the trucks on Hampstead Road 20/5/1999

Photographs relating to standard people A-Q
Underdale sports department head Kevin Norton who completed a study into the physical abilities of today's footballers 31/5/1999.