1961, Photograph, B 71988/1
Scrappers working on oil refinery rail line, January 1961 (contractors Twin Power Excavations, Melbourne)
1961, Photograph, B 71988/2
1961, Photograph, B 71988/3
Field River, site of big embankment, looking upstream and downstream, January 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/4
1961, Photograph, B 71988/5
Culvert for oil refinery rail line near Hallett Cove (same culvert as in 7), March 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/6
Cutting in course of construction for oil refinery rail line, March 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/7
Culvert for oil refinery rail line near Hallet Cove (same culvert as in 5), September 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/8
Completed embankment looking down, Hallett Cove Oil refinery rail line, September 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/9
Sleeper dump for oil refinery rail line near Hallett Cove station, September 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/10
Site where oil refinery line branches off Adelaide-Willunga line near Hallett Cove station, September 1961
1961, Photograph, B 71988/11
Looking up and down big embankment for oil refinery rail line, September 1961.
1961, Photograph, B 71988/12