Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre [B 71881/1-12] • Photograph

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
Aerial view of the site for the Adelaide Wine Centre, showing side view of the tram barn with Kent Town in the background

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
Aerial view of the site for the Adelaide Wine Centre with the central business district in the background

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
Site for the Adelaide Wine Centre looking north from the corner of North Terrace, with the Conservatory and Botanic Park in the background

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
View over buildings associated with the Botanic Gardens, including Yarrabee House, on the corner of North Terrace and Hackney Road

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
'Hackney bus depot, future wine museum', close ups of the facade

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
'Hackney bus depot, future wine museum', close ups of the facade

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
'Tram barn', Dequetteville Terrace

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
Master site plan for 'Botanic Wine and Rose Development ', Steve Grieve Architects

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
Design concept for the Adelaide Wine Centre

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
Design concept for the Adelaide Wine Centre and International Rose Garden

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
'National Wine Centre, Cox Grieve Architects' showing site plan with National Wine Centre, vineyard, Botanic Gardens administration, State Herbarium and Adelaide International Rose Garden

Messenger Press: Adelaide Wine Centre
'The National Wine Museum, a tourism icon for Australia's wine capital', artist's impression.