Recycling and Optus cable roll-out [B 71873/1-12] • Photograph

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Don Chambers with recycled products. 9 June 1993

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Garden Island - Steven Petrie, Goodwood & another person. 9 February 1996

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

'Manager of Waste Strategies, Lesley Wyndrama shows how plastic bags should be properly disposed of''

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Stobie Poles with Optus cable lines

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Stobie Poles with Optus cable lines

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Cable TV rollout - Vision cable drum, Days Road, Angle Park

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Worker installing Cable TV lines - Angle Park

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Cable box with wires within reach of the public

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Cables looped up on a stobie pole

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Cables over a suburban street

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

'Spaghetti junction' on a stobie pole

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Recycling and Optus cable roll-out

Cables passing through the canopy of a tree.