Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/351
'Planting rice'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/352
'Java 1926'. 'Drying and packing sheds'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/353
'The Mallabar Tea Plantation, Mallabar Plateau. Area 10,000 acres. Altitude 6000 feet'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/354
'The main drive' Mallabar Tea Plantation
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/355
'Quinine (Chinchona) at Mallabar'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/356
'Mallabar Radio Station'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/357
'The ploughman'. Man with two yoked buffalo drawing a wooden plough
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/358
'Singapore August 1926'. 'Lighters for mails and passengers Banka Island, Batavia - Singapore route'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/359
'Johore from the causeway'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/360
'The Mosque, Johore'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/361
'SS Plancius' 1926
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/362
'Mum, Wilga, Mr Johns in Botanical Gardens'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/363
'Port Darwin, September 1926'. 'The wharfage from Darwin Harbour'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/364
'Looking towards the Residency' Darwin, from the wharf 1926
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/365
'SS Marella at the wharf'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/366
Dense bushland 'Twenty miles inland from Darwin'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/367
'Steam motor train which took us inland'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/368
'Ross Smith flight memorial'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/369
'Thursday Island September 1926'. 'A harbour of pearling luggers'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/370
'SS Marella at wharf'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/371
'All Souls Quetta Memorial Cathedral' Thursday Island 1926
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/372
'A picturesque island'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/373
'Pearl lugger outward bound'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/374
'The main street', Thursday Island 1926
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/375
'Cairns, September 1926' 'Barron Falls'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/376
'Barron Falls. Drought time'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/377
'On the way to Barron Falls'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/378
'A group off the Marella'
Parker (Family), 1915-1928, Photograph, B 71787/379
'Mangroves along the harbour'.