Cassidy family photos [B 71656/1-24] • Photograph

Cassidy family photos
'Taken in front of Cassidy home, 1 Loftus Street, Wollongong, 29-5-40. Jim Cassidy, Dick Hunter, Tom Cassidy, Dudley Doherty holding Ralph Warren, Jack Cassidy, Claud Cassidy, Arthur Warren'

Cassidy family photos
'Guests gather for wedding of Nancy Osborne to Dudley Doherty - in front of Cassidy house, 1 Loftus Street, Wollongong. From house out - Mr & Mrs R. Hunter, Mr & Mrs D Doherty, Ina Cassidy Warren, Mrs Cassidy - Jack C behind, Arthur W holding Ralph Warren, Cynthia C in dark, Suttie Davies light frock'

Cassidy family photos
'Sept 1944. Our two imps - Ralph 4 yrs 7 months, Grant 1 yr 3 mths - Taken at 1 Loftus St, Wollongong' [shows a young boy on a tricycle with his younger brother in a side car]

Cassidy family photos
' "Little Lodge" Feb. 1951. Ira Warren, 156 George Street, Concord West, NSW'

Cassidy family photos
'Cynthia Cassidy [in her school uniform at] 1 Loftus St, Wollongong'

Cassidy family photos
View of the NSW South Coast from Bulli Pass

Cassidy family photos
View of the NSW South Coast from Bulli Pass

Cassidy family photos
'No. 2 Buddong Falls - this is the main one'

Cassidy family photos
'Water coming in from Little Gilmore river. 7 miles'

Cassidy family photos
'Top of Buddong Falls'

Cassidy family photos
'Near the bottom of Buddong Falls'

Cassidy family photos
'Another part of the Falls - this was taken at the top of No. 2'

Cassidy family photos
'This was taken after climbing up from the bottom of the Falls - the Tumut river is this side of the far range'

Cassidy family photos
Buddong Falls

Cassidy family photos
'Looking from the camp over the shafts - there is a tunnel to the right further down - the hill comes in and meets on shaft 60 ft down'

Cassidy family photos
'One of the Gullies near the camp'

Cassidy family photos
'The camp taken from the road - water race running past the camp'

Cassidy family photos
'Jack Morley & Bob Hides up above the Falls'

Cassidy family photos
'This is where we stopped with the car - the Ladies are another - party who were fishing - the stream which feeds the Falls'

Cassidy family photos
'The road to Batlow from the mine - Jack's dog Rosie Marie 18/12/35'

Cassidy family photos
'Mother, Joan & Betty in the gardens' [Newland family?]

Cassidy family photos
' "Faith in Australia" Farina Aug 19. 35 - Postmaster leaving plane with first mail'

Cassidy family photos
Portrait of Vera by the Swiss Studios, Adelaide

Cassidy family photos
Aboriginal man standing amongst various implements, with a boomerang in his belt with the word 'Nepabuna' written on it. Annotation on the back reads "Godlip Merrik half caste boy from German Mission Stn on Birdsville & Marree Track on exhibit at Adelaide Show about 1935 - 5 ft 8 in girth'.