Views of Saddleworth [B 71367/1-23] • Photograph

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

Road sign

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth


Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth


Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth


Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

Gilbert Valley Hotel

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth


Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

private residence

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

threshing roller

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

plaque describing threshing roller

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

old building

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

St Aidan's Anglican Church

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

post office

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

war memorial

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

private residence

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

Hotel Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

former bank building (Commonwealth Bank?)

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

street scene

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

old building

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

butcher's shop

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

old building

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

street scene, with level crossing in distance

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

brick building

Views of Saddleworth

Views of Saddleworth

stone building.