Views of Cobdogla [B 71360/1-11] • Photograph

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

Loveday Primary School

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

Cobdogla Primary School

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

Cobdogla Soldiers' Memorial Institute

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

private residence

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

street scene

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

shop 'Cobby Trading Post'

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

street scene

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

shop window with congratulations to Carolyn

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

Cobdogla District Club premises

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

shop - meats, post office & newsagency

Views of Cobdogla

Views of Cobdogla

entrance to Kingston Estate Winery.