Views of Rowland Flat [B 71356/1-14] • Photograph

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Cultivating a vineyard

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Jacob's Creek vineyard

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Orlando vineyard

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Trinity Lutheran Church

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Rowland Flat sign with backdrop of vineyards

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Trinity Lutheran Church

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

wine storage tanks

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Miranda Wines premises

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

storage tanks at Miranda Wines

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

interior views of tasting area at Miranda Wines

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

interior views of tasting area at Miranda Wines

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

storage tanks at Miranda Wines

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Miranda Wines premises.

Views of Rowland Flat

Views of Rowland Flat

Miranda Wines premises.