Views of Iron Knob [B 71354/1-48] • Photograph

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

Iron Knob Golf Club building

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

landscape of mullock heaps

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

sign warning against trespassing

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

sign to cemetery

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob


Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob


Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob


Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob


Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob


Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

communication tower

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

small building with solar power panels

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

service station and roadhouse

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

road into town

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

telegraph pole silhouetted against the sky

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

landform silhouetted against the sky

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

landscape at Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

sculpture in the bush

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

brick building with home made additions

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

brick building

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

late afternoon landscape

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

private residence

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob


Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

buildings and poles around the oval

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

buildings and poles around the oval

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

Institute building

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

Errappa Blue Light Camp

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

boys and girl at the camp

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

private residence

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

fire brigade premises

Views of Iron Knob

Views of Iron Knob

Health Services premises and grounds