Photographs of the Steicke family [B 71175/1-58] • Photograph

Gymnastics class 1924-1927.

Gymnastics class 1924-1927.

(Top row from left:) Walter Fietz, Walter Heinrich, Ernest Fietz, Dudley Gursansky, Albert Fietz. (Second row) Erwin Obst, Benno Keil, Bert Schulz, Arthur Joliff, Harry Ludewig, Harold Obst, Clarence Obst and H. Steicke - Instructor. (Third row:) Maurice Baum, Len John, Eric Schulz, Allen Wallace, Victor John. (Bottom row) Keith Loeffler, Oswald Wallent, Reginald Grocke, Kevin John, Ronald Schulz.

Tanunda Gymnastics Club display.

Tanunda Gymnastics Club display.

Members of the Tanunda Gymnastics Club demonstrating gymnastics techniques. [Identified by Merv Steicke.]

Group photo outside St John's Church, Tanunda.

Group photo outside St John's Church, Tanunda.

Large group of men posing for a formal photo, with the church in the background.

Gymnastics display.

Gymnastics display.

Six boys / young men demonstrating gymnastics techniques. Henry Steicke on the bottom right.

Gymnastics display.

Gymnastics display.

Group of men demonstrating strength exercises.

Gymnastics display.

Gymnastics display.

Henry Steicke holding two boys on his shoulders.

Group photograph.

Group photograph.

Family gathering, possibly an anniversary [taken in St. John's church yard?]. Henry Steicke is at the end of the back row, on the right.

Group of men and women outside a stone building.

Group of men and women outside a stone building.

Large group of men and women outside a stone building, obviously commemorating a special event. Henry Steicke is 5th from the left in the front row [identified by Lyle].

Football team.

Football team.

Team photograph of players and support staff, with a tin structure in the background.

Stone Hut Memorial Hall concert party.

Stone Hut Memorial Hall concert party.

Group of mostly children of varying ages, pictured outside a stone building, with a drum and other instruments in front of the group. Annotation on the back reads: 'Stone Hut Memorial Hall Concert Party - 1922. Stone Hut Nov. 30th, Appila Dec. 2nd, Wirrabira Dec.4th, Gladstone Dec.6th, Laura Dec. 9th, Caltowie Dec.13th..

Sunday School Teachers' conference.

Sunday School Teachers' conference.

Large group of men and women pictured outside a stone building. Henry Steike is in the back row, just to the right of the foundation stone.

St. John's Church Sunday School class.

St. John's Church Sunday School class.

Sunday School teacher, Henry Steicke, pictured with his class outside the church.

Attendees at a Sunday school teachers conference.

Attendees at a Sunday school teachers conference.

Sunday School teachers attending a conference at St John's Church, Tanunda. Henry Steicke in 3rd row back, 5th from left.

Mission Festival on Tanunda Oval.

Mission Festival on Tanunda Oval.

Large group of people on the Tanunda Oval, with a wooden building partially visible on the right. Annotation on the back reads: 'Mission Festival on Tanunda Oval.

Backyard of old shop.

Backyard of old shop.

Untidy yard with piles of boxes, rubbish and firewood, identified on the back as 'backyard of shop premises when we took over in Nov. 1926'.

Rudolph Steike.

Rudolph Steike.

Rudolph Steike pictured in his army uniform. (This photo appears on page 214 in the book 'Steickes in Australia since 1838'.)

Three young men in uniform.

Three young men in uniform.

Three men pictured in their army uniforms, one of whom appears to be in a mounted regiment.

Steicke family plot at Caltowie.

Steicke family plot at Caltowie.

Monument on the grave of Johann Carl Cutte (1826-1908).

Group of men.

Group of men.

A group of six men identified on the back as (left to right): L.H. Northeast, F.H. White, G.S. Wurst, M.S. Ferme, A. [Arthur] Steicke, J.H. Bothal. The inscription finishes with 'Kindest Regards - Con Clarke, Appela.'.

Three men and two women.

Three men and two women.

Very dark photo of three men and two women, with the one in the centre identified as Arthur Steicke.

Men outside a shop.

Men outside a shop.

Five men pictured on the verandah of a shop; four of whom are wearing aprons, suggesting they are employees.

Three men and a boy.

Three men and a boy.

Three men and a boy in a yard surrounded by farm buildings.

Man with his horse.

Man with his horse.

A man standing next to his horse, outside a homestead.

Arthur Steicke felling a tree.

Arthur Steicke felling a tree.

Arthur Steicke standing beside a partially felled tree in a bush area.

View of the Caltowie district.

View of the Caltowie district.

Identified on the back as 'Caltowie District', it shows a cultivated paddock with fencing (for vines?), with houses in the distance.

Caltowie from Kildea Hill.

Caltowie from Kildea Hill.

View of 'Caltowie from Kildea Hill', showing the settlement in the distance across treeless ground.

Man with a flock of sheep.

Man with a flock of sheep.

Identified on tha back as 'E. Morton, Caltowie, Jan 1928' is shows a man with a flock of sheep on very bare ground.

Harvesting at Caltowie.

Harvesting at Caltowie.

Arthur Steicke harvesting a grain crop at Caltowie.

Family outside a family home.

Family outside a family home.

Family group outside a homestead with all dressed in their best. At the back of the photo one gentleman is standing on the steps of the homestead. In the front of the photo are two women, a man and three young children.

Wedding party.

Wedding party.

Wedding group with the bride and groom seated in the front, and three bridesmaids and their partners standing behind the married couple.