From Tavistock to Redhill [B 70085] • Photograph

Land's End
View of the coast at Land's End, England.

Logan Lady
View of a rock formation identified as 'Logan Lady' with a man leaning against it.

Roman Ruins, Bath
View of a tiled floor, identified as Roman ruins at Bath, England.

River Tavy
View of the Tavy River, looking along the river bed towards a bridge and weir in the distance; four men are also in the picture.

View of the town of Tavistock, England.

West Bridge, Tavistock
View of West Bridge, Tavistock.

Brintor Church
View of Brintor Church, perched on top of a large hill overlooking farmland.

Hampton Court Palace
View of Hampton Court Palace.

Tower of London
View of the Tower of London.

On the Thames at Greenwich
View of the Thames River with the buildings of Greenwich in the background.

Chapel of Edward the Confessor
Interior view of the Chapel of Edward the Confessor.

Kelly College
View of the buildings of Kelly College, with a field in the foreground.

Statue of Sir Francis Drake
Statue of Sir Francis Drake on a large plinth, with people in a donkey cart nearby. Stamp on the print identifies it as 'Hayman's Series'.

Tavistock Church
View of Tavistock Church.

Britannia training ship
View of the Britannia training-ship moored in an undidentified river or estuary.

Lydford cascade
View of a waterfall cascading down a steep cliff; identified as 'Lydford cascade'.

St John's Gate
View of a close identified as 'St John's Gate', with various shops around the cobble stone courtyard and a street vendor's stall beside the pavement.

A woman on a donkey
An Arab woman, wearing a veil over her face, seated on a donkey led by a young boy.

Punt at Kantara
View of a punt crossing the river at Kantara, Egypt, with a dhow moored to the jetty, and a number of men in tradition dress, and camels, in the foreground. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'View of Kantara with the punt'.

Ships in the Suez Canal
Two steam/sail vessels passing in the Suez Canal. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'No. 18. Crossing [meeting] of the Orient Tissoum'.

Port Said
View of the English section of Port Said, showing both shipping and housing. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'Disembarkment of the English troops at Port Said'.

Port Said
View of a breakwater, ships and buildings at Port Said. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'The lighthouse at Port Said'.

Palace of Kedive
View of large building identified as 'Palais du Kedive', a horse and cart and a number of men are in the tree-lined drive leading to the building. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'The Kedive's Palace'.

View of an ornate building, with a man in a suit and fez standing in front. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'The chalet of Ferdinand de Lesseps at Lonailia[?]'.

Street vendor
An Arab man seated in a doorway with his wares beside him; three boys are pictured with him.

Soldiers' camp
An British army camp (for an infantry brigade) in Egypt. Possibly taken by Sarolidis Comianos (name inscribed on photo).

Donkey riders
Four Arab men/boys on donkeys, pictured against the Egyptian desert. A translation of the caption (from the French) reads 'No.44 Egyptian donkeys'.

Promenade at Plymouth
View of the promenade at Plymouth, England.

Harbour at Geelong
View of the harbour and town of Geelong, Victoria.

Yarra Street Wharf, Geelong
View of the Yarra Street wharf at Geelong, Victoria, with a number of ships tied up.