Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club [B 68275/1-19] • Photograph

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
Composite showing Adelaide Hunt Club 'Masters & Secretaries from 1869 to 1913'

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
HE Downer, Master 1872-3, 1879

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
W Blackler, Master 1869, 1871

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
EG Blackmore, C.M.G., Master 1870, 1885, Hon Secy 1870, 1874, 1879-82, 1884-85

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
CHT Hart, Hon Secretary 1876-8

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
PF Bonnin, Hon Secretary 1871-2

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
Hunt Club members on their horses, with hounds in front, (from left) AR Malcolm (Master 1875), Sir JL Stirling (Master 1877-8, 1880-81), Harry Bickford (Master 1882), James Hay (Master 1883-4), R Collins (Huntsman 1885-1907)

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
AJ Baker, Hon Secretary 1873

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
John Christopher, Hon Secretary 1869

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
TF Wigley, Hon Secretary 1888

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
WO Bennett, Hon Secretary 1875

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
Formal group portrait (from left) HC Cave (Master 1901-4), RA Sanders (Master 1905-6), C Reynell (Master 1907-9), FH Downer (Master 1893-7), JT Love (Master 1898-1900), WS Bright (Master 1910-12, Secretary 1905-6)

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
J Hart, Master 1874, 1876

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
RM Turner, Hon Secretary 1883

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
JR Beck, Hon Secretary 1907-8

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
J Moorhouse, Hon Secretary 1886-7, 1889-1904

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
KL Colley, Master 1913

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
Allan Baker, Master 1886-1892

Officers of the Adelaide Hunt Club
A Laughton 1909-13.