Tod River Reservoir [B 68012] • Photograph

Tod River Reservoir
Views of the construction and completed reservoir on the Tod River. To view individual photographs do a NUMBER search on B 68012/1-52.

Tod River Reservoir
Main intake channel, occupation bridge and overflow at Howard's.

Tod River Reservoir
Main intake channel, overflor and occupation bridge t Howard's looking east.

Tod River Reservoir
Main intake channel and overflow at Howard's, looking south.

Tod River Reservoir
Occupation bridge across main intake channel.

Tod River Reservoir
Excavation of main channel near Fingerpost School (in granite).

Tod River Reservoir
General view of reservoir.

Tod River Reservoir
Concrete gang at work at inlet end of Kapilla Creek Channel.

Tod River Reservoir
View of workers and horses during the building of the dam.

Tod River Reservoir
Main intake channel showing process of placing 'slabbed on' concfrete 4" thick, near Fingerpost School.

Tod River Reservoir
Wheeled scoops (Monkey Tails) excavating main intake channel at Fingerpost School.

Tod River Reservoir
Workers and horses during the laying of the pipes.

Tod River Reservoir
General view of the reservoir.

Tod River Reservoir
Main embankment of reservoir, at Toolillie Creek looking west (completed).

Tod River Reservoir
Main embankment of reservoir, at Toolillie Creek in progress and nearing completion, looking west.

Tod River Reservoir
View of reservoir.

Tod River Reservoir
Intake channel.

Tod River Reservoir
Main embankment across Toolillie Creek showing 6" metalling on outer face, looking north westerly.

Tod River Reservoir
View of workers and horses during construction.

Tod River Reservoir
View of workers and horses laying pipes during construction.

Tod River Reservoir
View of workers and horses during construction.

Tod River Reservoir
View of reservoir.

Tod River Reservoir
General view of main embankments, Toobillie Creek, looking southward.

Tod River Reservoir
Outlet pipes, strainers, gauge posts, valvehouse and valve rods at main embankment Toolillie Creek.

Tod River Reservoir
Marion Steam Shovel Hopper and teams winning sport for main embankment also Chinaman and Scoops on right hand.

Tod River Reservoir
Embankment on line of channel at north end of Knotts Hill tunnel (completed).

Tod River Reservoir
Tod River Waterworks. Embankment on line of channel at north end of Knotts Hill Tunnel in progress.

Tod River Reservoir
Overflow on main intake channel at Kapilla Creek.

Tod River Reservoir
Junction of Kapilla Creek and main intake channel.

Tod River Reservoir
Kapilla Creek Tunnel on line of intake channel - outlet end (in progress).