Members of the 'Register' printing staff [B 6348] • Photograph

Members of the 'Register' printing staff
Portraits of members of the printing staff of the S.A. Register. The names are as follows: F. Aitchison; C.H. Franklin; J. McIntosh; W. Saltmarsh; E. Armand; J. Fraser; H. Marshall; H. Schroeder; W. Balcraig; E. Good; W. Masters; W. Searle; J. Basnett; J. Grant; T. Murphy; A.W.G. Smith; G. Butler; L. Haire; T.B. Murphy; A. South; W.C. Calder; W. Hale; J.N. Nancarrow; J. Stack ; J. Carr; F. Hall; E.D. Noon; R. Trickey; A.T. Chandler; W.T. Hamilton; W. Ogden; A. Uren; G. Cockburn; J. Harding; J. Patterson; H. Uren; L. Cooper; J. Herron; J.T. Patterson, F.S. Wallis; H.S. Coronel; J. Hogg; J. Pearce; J. Wayte; S.J. Cross; W. Horner; J. Phillips; W.J. White; G.J. Denness; J.S. Knox; S.W. Porritt; G. Wilson; W. Dollman; F. L'estage; J.B. Pow; M. Wraight; F. Dyer; J. Longwill; T.A. Reeves; J. Fewster; W.A. Lucas; R. Rusk. A researcher reports that A. Uren is probably Alexander Uren (1845-1904) who was a compositor and that H. Uren is Henry Uren, also a compositor. Both men worked at the 'Advertiser' so it is possible that the photograph is actually of printing staff at the 'Advertiser' not the 'Register'.

Members of the 'Register' printing staff
Photograph of 'The Register Companionship', 1879. This is the same photograph as found at B 6348 with the exception of the handwritten annotation across the top, the date, and a more limited list of names (1-18). The individual photographs can be viewed by doing an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 6348.

G. Wilson
A portrait of G. Wilson, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

L. Cooper
A portrait of L. Cooper, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

R. Rusk
A portrait of R. Rusk, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

W. Masters
A portrait of W. Masters, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

H.S. Coronel
A portrait of H.S. Coronel, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Phillips
A portrait of J. Phillips, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

W. Searle
A portrait of W. Searle, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J.S. Knox
A portrait of J.S. Knox, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

George Cockburn
A portrait of George Cockburn, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

T. Murphy
A portrait of T. Murphy, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

W.C. Calder
A portrait of William Cormack Calder, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J.N. Nancarrow
A portrait of J.N. Nancarrow, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

T.B. Murphy
A portrait of T.B. Murphy, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

T. Fewster
A portrait of T. Fewster, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J.B. Pow
A portrait of J.B. Pow, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Stack
A portrait of J. Stack, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Carr
A portrait of J. Carr, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

H. Marshall
A portrait of H. Marshall, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

A.T. Chandler
A portrait of A.T. Chandler, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Grant
A portrait of J. Grant, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Longwill
A portrait of J. Longwill, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

G. Butler
A portrait of G. Butler, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Wayte
A portrait of J. Wayte, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

W. Bulcraig
A portrait of W. Bulcraig, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

William Dollman
A portrait of William Parmeter Dollman, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

E. Good
A portrait of E. Good, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

J. Fraser
A portrait of J. Fraser, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.

W.A. Lucas
A portrait of W.A. Lucas, one of the S.A. Register's printing staff. This is one of 62 portraits making up a composite; to view the complete item do a number search on B 6348.