Family album [B 57356] • Photograph

Man with beard
Head and shoulders studio portrait of man with beard and and thinning hair. He is wearing a bow-tie.

Man with bushy beard
Head and shoulders studio portrait of man with bushy beard and moustache and wavy hair. His cheeks have been tinted.

Young lady with decorations in hair
Studio portrait of a young lady. Her left elbow is leaning on a table[?] which has a book on on it. Her hair is done in a high, ornate style and she is wearing a black choker around her neck. There is a bow on her dress to which a brooch with chain is attached.

Man with hand on writing desk
Studio portrait, full length, of a man who is resting his hand on a writing desk. The photograph is in poor condition with part of the man's face obscured.

Older woman with brooch
Head and shoulders studio portrait of woman wearing a dark coloured dress with lace collar on which is a brooch. Inscription on the back reads 'To Dear Mother with love from Mutter'.

Older woman with brooch
Head and shoulders studio portrait of woman wearing a dark coloured dress and small floral hat.

Older woman with veiled bonnet
Full length studio portrait of woman sitting in chair wearing a dark coloured dress and shawl and a veiled bonnet. Inscription on back of photograph reads 'Age 70'. Photograph by D. McDonald, Kirkwall.

Mourning / thank you card
Mourning card bearing the inscription 'Mr J. Scott / Mr & Mrs Foody and family tender their sincere thanks to you for your sympathy and floral contributions in their late sad bereavement'.

Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man.

Portrait of a woman
Portrait of a woman.

Portrait of a small child
Portrait of a small girl seated on a velvet covered chair and hold a basket of flowers.

Sir William Robinson
Studio portrait of Sir William C.F. Robinson, Governor of South Australia, seated at a desk, pen in hand.

Portrait of an older woman
Studio portrait of an older woman.