Album of Adelaide [B 5220] • Photograph

Album of Adelaide
Victoria Square.

Album of Adelaide
Composite: 2 photographs of King William Street looking south; Grenfell Street (note incorrect spelling of Grenfell Street).

Album of Adelaide
General Post Office, Adelaide.

Album of Adelaide
Composite: Mr. E.I. Smith's residence; The Orphanage; Bank of Adelaide; Torrens Park; Lunatic Asylum; Bank of South Australia.

Album of Adelaide
The Town Hall and the interior of the Town Hall.

Album of Adelaide
Composite: King William Street looking north; Rundle Street; Mount Gambier (showing the lakes); The Gorge.

Album of Adelaide
Composite covering two pages: 2 photographs of Mitcham; Port Adelaide (showing sailing ships); The spot where the Colony of South Australia was proclaimed a British Dependency; Second Waterfall.

Album of Adelaide
Composite: The Hon. G.C. Hawkers residence ('The Briars'); Native wurlie; Unley Park; Strathallyn (showing St Andrew's Church. Note incorrect spelling of Strathalbyn).

Album of Adelaide
Composite: Government Gums Railway (showing a steam train crossing the bridge); Bungaree Station wool (wool bales on a wagon drawn by horses); Glenelg (showing jetty); Torrens Lake (showing people rowing boats); Torrens Lake (with paddle boat in front).

Album of Adelaide
Composite covering two pages: Botanical Gardens including Palm House; interior of Palm House; entrance (showing the gates, statues and fountain).