Land development in South Australia [B 50029] • Photograph

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: ground debris which had to be cleared to make way for agricultural implements.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: bulldozer pushing logs into heaps for burning.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: ploughing out sapling regrowth with Majestic ploughs.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: red gum country cleared of undergrowth ready for seeding.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: a gang of combines commencing seeding operations.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: established pasture on land shown in previous photographs (B 50029/1 - B 50029/5). A man is standing beside a 1940 Ford 'sloper' sedan.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: four year old strawberry clover, phalaris and rye grass pasture on black plain country, Hundred Killanoola - Settler, P.Jackman.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: same pasture (four year old strawberry clover, phalaris and rye grass pasture on black plain country, Hundred Killanoola) topped with mower to faciltate grazing. (See also B 50029/7.).

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Glen Roy Forest Area - typical timber country before being pulled by cable. (See also B 50029/10-11.).

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Glen Roy Forest Area - cabled area after a running burn and before dozing for second burn. (See also B 50029/9 & 11.).

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Glen Roy Forest Area - established pasture second year after seeding. (See also B 50029/9-10.).

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Stock on dairy farm at Mingbool after allotment.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: typical soldier settler's house in Hundred of Binnum. A 1940 Ford 'sloper' sedan is parked nearby.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: settler's holding showing dwelling and outbuilding in the Hundred of Binnum.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: standard 'Armco' type steel framed dairy shed.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: standard utility type steel-framed 'Armco' shed.

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - heavy tea tree cover prior to rolling. [See also B 50029/18 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - dense tea tree cover from 6 feet to 12 feet high, prior to rolling. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - typical of many ponds scattered over swamp necessitating the provision of drains. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - rolling tea tree scrub on the peat areas prior to burning. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - a drain constructed through peat after clearing operations. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - a branch drain in the peat swamp area, constructed prior to clearing operations. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - a small drain excavated through the peat swamp area before agricultural operations could commence. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - the main Eight Mile Creek drain is approximately 1.5 miles long. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - main bridge over Eight Mile Creek drain on the coastal road. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - tractor with wide swamp tracks used on peat area. An old vehicle, possibly a 1927 Chevrolet buckboard, is in the background. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - caterpillar track devised for Majestic ploughs in place of wheels, for use on swamp. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - Majestic plough equipped with a caterpillar track as shown in previous photograph. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - Majestic plough in operation on peat swamp. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]

Land development in South Australia: South-East
South-east: Eight Mile Creek Area - mass of tea tree roots on peat land after ploughing. [See also B 50029/17 - B 50029/33.]