The Knocked Up Horse [B 486/14] • Artwork

The Knocked Up Horse
"The Knocked Up Horse H.A. See Stuart's Journal of date January 16 1862". The explorers King and Auld are indicated in the sketch. The content of this image is the same as the photograph of King's sketch 'The Knocked Up Horse', # 41 in this series, which may have been redrawn by King at some later date for the Vickery family. One of 44 sketches of the John McDouall Stuart expedition across Australia 1861-1862.

The Knocked Up Horse
"The Knocked Up Horse H.A. See Stuart's Journal of date January 16 1862". The explorers King and Auld are indicated in the sketch. The content of this image is the same as the photograph of King's sketch 'The Knocked Up Horse', # 41 in this series, which may have been redrawn by King at some later date for the Vickery family. One of 44 sketches of the John McDouall Stuart expedition across Australia 1861-1862.