Osborne Collection Album [B 48197] • Photograph

Shipway at Osborne

Shipway at Osborne

Thirty-first of 38 photographs in an album. Poole and Steel's shipyard at Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

Thirty-second of 38 photographs in an album. Vertical borer at Poole and Steel's shipyard, Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

Thirty-third of 38 photographs in an album. Part of the Machine Shop at Poole and Steel's shipyard, Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

Thirty-fourth of 38 photographs in an album. Scarfing machine at Poole and Steel's shipyard, Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

Thirty-fifth of 38 photographs in an album. Poole and Steel's shipyard at Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

Thirty-sixth of 38 photographs in an album. Wall planer in a Machine Shop at Poole and Steel's shipyard at Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

Thirty-seventh of 38 photographs in an album. Machinery at Poole and Steel's shipyard at Osborne.

Shipyard at Osborne

Shipyard at Osborne

The last of 38 photographs in an album. 50 ton sheer legs at Poole and Steel's Shipyard, Osborne.