Australasian Views albums [B 47794/166-255] • Photograph

Australasian Views albums
Hindley Street looking west [1876-1880 - names in directories for 1877-1880. Photo by Sweet]

Australasian Views albums
King William Street looking south from Pirie Street [1873-1877 - name 'Davis' in directories for these years, Eagle Chamber still in course of erection in 1874]

Australasian Views albums
King William Street looking north from Victoria Square [1868-1877 - GPO begun in 1867, trams in 1877]

Australasian Views albums
Victoria Square [before July 1880, taken by Sweet]

Australasian Views albums
King William Street and Glenelg tram [1876-1880 - Glenelg Railway Bill passed 1876, taken by Sweet before July 1880]

Australasian Views albums
Victoria Square [taken by Sweet before 1880]

Australasian Views albums
Government House [1872-1880 - Brougham Place Congregational Church tower added in 1872. Taken by Sweet before July 1880]

Australasian Views albums
South corner of Molton and Flinders Street, 1979-1882 [all names in directories for 1880-1882 only]

Australasian Views albums
Rundle Street, looking east, north side [1874-1880 - names in directories for these years only]

Australasian Views albums
South corner of King William and Rundle Streets [1865-1868 - names Osborne and Smith appear first in 1865 and disappear after 1868]

Australasian Views albums
Hindley Street [lithograph]

Australasian Views albums
Adelaide [1843 - lithograph]

Australasian Views albums
The Parsonage, Christ Church, and Bishop's residence, Norh Adelaide [lithograph]

Australasian Views albums
North Adelaide from the foot bridge [photograph of a lithograph]

Australasian Views albums
[Rotunda in Elder Park, viewed from the north side of the Torrens River]

Australasian Views albums
[Torrens Weir, Adelaide]

Australasian Views albums
[Statue in a pond - probably Adelaide Botanic Gardens]

Australasian Views albums
Small viaduct, Adelaide and Melbourne Railway

Australasian Views albums
[Bird-eye view of Victoria Square and Adelaide east of King William Street (photograph of lithograph)]

Australasian Views albums
Group of Natives in Exhibition Grounds, Adelaide

Australasian Views albums
[Exterior of Victoria House, Adelaide Botanic Gardens, photo by Sweet]

Australasian Views albums
[View of Adelaide Botanic Gardens. Photo by Sweet]

Australasian Views albums
Interior of Victoria House, Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, SA (photo by H. Anson)

Australasian Views albums
[View of Adelaide Botanic Gardens. Photo by Sweet]

Australasian Views albums
[Interior of fern house, Adelaide Botanic Gardens. Photo by Sweet]

Australasian Views albums
Day's Gully [photograph of artwork]

Australasian Views albums
View of Mount Lofty Station, Adelaide and Melbourne Railway

Australasian Views albums
Government Farm, near Adelaide

Australasian Views albums
Entrance to No. 7 Tunnel, Adelaide and Melbourne Railway

Australasian Views albums
From Hills, with distant view of Adelaide