South Australian views [B 45384/1-37] • Photograph

South Australian views
Old quarry near Kingscote, Kangaroo Island. Composed of small stone size of road metal and conveyed to Port Adelaide for that purpose (duplicate of B 34610/9)

South Australian views
Head keeper's cottage and Cape Borda lighthouse

South Australian views
View taken from a rise looking south about centre of Kangaroo Island - general character of interior of Island (duplicate of B 36903)

South Australian views
Harvey's return - landing place for stores for Cape Borda lighthouse about 7 miles distant (duplicate of B 36905)

South Australian views
Grassy Creek, Kangaroo Island (duplicate of B 34610/42)

South Australian views
Torrens Lake and North Adelaide, probably 1880s

South Australian views
Flower show, Town Hall, Adelaide.