Parliamentary Rifle Match [B 39101] • Photograph

Parliamentary Rifle Match

Parliamentary Rifle Match

Photograph of a large composite photograph in the shape of a plaque, commemorating the Parliamentary Rifle Match held in August 1889. The competition (seven shots at 400 and 500 yards range, Wimbledon scoring) was between representatives from the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly, and was won by the former. In additions to individual portraits of the participants, their individual scores are also recorded. To see the individual images do number searches on B 39101/1 to B 39101/12.

Legislative Council Chamber

Legislative Council Chamber

View of the Legislative Council chamber in the original South Australian Parliament House. It shows the members' tables piled high with papers, with the president's chair and table visible in the background.

Hon. J.V. O'Loghlin

Hon. J.V. O'Loghlin

Portrait of Lieut. Hon. J.V. O'Loghlin, member of the Legislative Council, pictured in his military uniform.

Hon. J.H. Gordon

Hon. J.H. Gordon

Portrait of the Hon. J.H. Gordon, member of the Legislative Council.

Hon. W. Copley

Hon. W. Copley

Portrait of the Hon. W. Copley, member of the Legislative Council.

Hon. A.R. Addison

Hon. A.R. Addison

Portrait of the Hon. A.R. Addison, member of the Legislative Council, pictured in a military uniform.

Hon. J. Warren

Hon. J. Warren

Portrait of the Hon. J. Warren, member of the Legislative Council, pictured in his military uniform.

J.W. Castine

J.W. Castine

Portrait of J.W. Castine, member of the House of Assembly, pictured in his military uniform.

J.J. Osman

J.J. Osman

Portrait of J.J. Osman, member of the House of Assembly, pictured in a military uniform.

D. Bews

D. Bews

Portrait of D. Bews, member of the House of Assembly, pictured in a military uniform.

Hon. C.C. Kingston

Hon. C.C. Kingston

Portrait of the Hon. C.C. Kingston, member of the House of Assembly, pictured in formal Privy Council dress.

F.W. Holder

F.W. Holder

Portrait of F.W. Holder, member of the House of Assembly, pictured in a military uniform.

House of Assembly Chamber

House of Assembly Chamber

View of the House of Assembly chamber, just after its completion in the new South Australian Parliament House. It shows the members' tables piled high with papers, speaker's chair and table visible in the background.