Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/170
'Turton street, Semaphore, before repairs', with view of houses and wooden fences
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/171
'Turton street, Semaphore, after repairs, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/172
'Vassal street, Semaphore, before resheeting', showing sandy surface
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/173
'Vassal street, Semaphore, after resheeting', showing wooden electricity poles and street trees
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/174
'Vassal street, Semaphore, before resheeting, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/175
'Vassal street, Semaphore, after resheeting, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/176
'Victoria road, looking north', towards Outer Harbor
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/177
Victoria road, looking towards the Commonwealth Oil Refineries plant
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/178
'Walcott street, Largs, before forming', with dune vegetaion across the road
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/179
'Walcott street, Largs, after forming, 1930'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/180
'Walcott street, Largs, before forming, 1929', showing sand dunes in roadway
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/181
'Walcott street, Largs, after forming, 1930', with sand dune levelled
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/182
'Ward street, Semaphore, before repairs', showing group of workmen, their coats slung over nearby fence
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/183
'Ward street, Semaphore, after repairs, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/184
'Ward street, Semaphore, before repairs'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/185
'Ward street, Semaphore, after repairs, 1928', with hall, possibly Masonic, on the right
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/186
'Willimott street, Ethelton, before resheeting, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/187
'Willimott street, Ethelton, after resheeting, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/188
'Willimott street before resheeting, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/189
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/190
'Barlow street, before woodblocking, 1926', with warehouses on left and large building, probably Mercantile Marine Office in distance
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/191
'Barlow street after woodblocking, 1926'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/192
'Birkenhead street before improvement, 1928 (now known as Victoria road)' with General Motors building on right
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/193
'Birkenhead street after improvement 1928 (now Victoria road)
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/194
'Commercial road before widening, 1926', with view of steam roller,workmen, and overhead wiring associated with electric tramway
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/195
'Commercial road after widening, 1926', with view of ornate ironwork on electric tram poles and seat at tram stop. Water tower on left
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/196
'Commercial road before widening, 1926', with draught horse and cart load of rubble in foreground with labourers. View of tramway and electrical wiring
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/197
'Commercial road after widening, 1926', further view of road and tram line
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/198
'Commercial road before it was widened, 1926', looking south towards railway bridge
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/199
'Commercial road after it was widened, 1926', with bus outside Ryan's on right