Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/31
'portion of Commercial road after sheeting with bituminous concrete, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/32
'portion of Commercial road before sheeting with bituminous concrete, 1928', another view looking towards Co-operative Stores
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/33
'portion of Commercial road after sheeting with bitumenous concrete', with view of shops and verandahs and parked cars in the vicinity of the Co-operative Stores
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/34
'portion of Commercial road before sheeting with bituminous concrete, 1928', further view showing shops and businesses
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/35
'portion of Commercial road after sheeting with bituminous concrete, 1928', looking south towards the railway bridge, showing shops and businesses
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/36
'portion of Commercial road before sheeting with bituminous concrete, 1928', looking towards the dock
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/37
'portion of Commercial road after sheeting with bitumenous concrete, 1928', towards the dock
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/38
'portion of Commercial road before woodblocking, 1929' in the vicinity of the Central Hotel
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/39
'portion of Commercial road after woodblocking, 1930' near E. F. Butt Bookseller and Stationer, with a tram in view and people waiting at the stop
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/40
'portion of Commercial road before woodblocking, 1929', looking north, with Metropolitan abattoirs lorry and facade of buildings visible
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/41
'portion of Commercial road after woodblocking, 1930'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/42
'Connor street, Glanville, before improvements, 1928', with advertising for Viceroy Tea, Arab brand coffee and Arab flour on the corner shop
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/43
'Connor street, Glanville, after improvements with bituminous concrete'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/44
'Connor street, Glanville, before improvements, 1928', view with S. Scott warehouse partly visible
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/45
'Connor street, Glanville, after improvement with bituminous concrete'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/46
'Denman street, Exeter, before resheeting'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/47
'Denman street, Exeter, after resheeting, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/48
'Denman street, Exeter, before resheeting' with view of weatherboard house and milk bar on the corner
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/49
'Denman street, Exeter, after resheeting'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/50
'Dudley street, Semaphore, before repairs'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/51
'Dudley street, Semaphore, after repairs, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/52
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/53
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/54
'Dunnikier road, Birkenhead, before improvements, 1928'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/55
'Dunnikier road after improvement with bituminous concrete, 1928', showing stone cellar or warehouse on the left
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/56
'Dunnikier road, Glanville, before improvement'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/57
'Dunnikier road, Glanville, after bituminous concrete construction'
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/58
'Elder road, near Stirling Street, before woodblocking' showing plants and salt bush
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/59
'Elder road, near Sefton Street, before woodblocking', showing railway line and easement
Port Adelaide (S.A.). Council, 1924-1930, Photograph, B 28690/60
'Elder road, northern end, before woodblocking', showing railway line and thick vegetation across roadway