Keswick Hospital [B 26285] • Photograph

Keswick Hospital : Captured guns
In front of Headquarters. Spoils of the war - guns captured by the 27th Batt. Inscription on gun reads 'Secretary, Dept. of Defence Melbourne. S.A.'

Keswick Headquarters building number 32
The Home of the Brass Hats. District Headquarters - Keswick Barracks, 4th Military District.

Keswick Hospital : Brig. Gen. J.M. Antill
'Head of the Brass Hats'. Brig. Gen. J.M. Antill, c.B., C.M.G., Commandant 4th Military District. 'He'll never send a man where he won't go himself' (The late Cpl. Key) Gone West.

Keswick Hospital : The Diggers Hospital
'The Diggers Hospital' 1920. No. 7 Australian General Hospital, 4th Military District, Keswick. The tram line to Keswick was opened on 18 September 1918, extending from the corner of Sturt Street and West Terrace (city) via Goodwood Road, Park Terrace (now Greenhill Road) and then down the Bay Road (later Anzac Highway). It enabled returned soldiers to get to the Hospital from the railway station and elsewhere.

Keswick Hospital : Lieut-Col. H.H.E. Russell
'Our P.M.O'. A Capable, reliable and genial man. Lieut-Col. H.H.E. Russell, O.B.E., P.M.O. 4th Military District 1915 - Dec 1919 and 1921.

Keswick Hospital : Lieut-Col. R.S. Rogers
'A Gentleman' - Our C.O. Lieut-Col. R.S. Rogers, C.O., No. 7 Australian General Hospital, Keswick. July 1915 - Dec. 1919.

Keswick Hospital : Matron A.M. Hancock
Matron A.M. Hancock, R.R.C., Principal Matron, 4th Military District. July 1915 - Dec. 1919.

Keswick Hospital : Col. Shepherd
Our 1920 - P.M.O. Col. Shepherd, C.B.E., D.S.O.

Keswick Hospital : Matron Davidson
'On active service' Southwell, England. Matron Davidson and patient.

Keswick Hospital : Matron Davidson
'A kindly matron'. Matron Davidson, C.B.E., R.R.C. 1920-1921.

Keswick Hospital : From the Parade Ground
No. 7 Australian General Hospital. Keswick Hospital in 1915 from the Parade Ground.

Keswick Hospital : From the Parade Ground
Keswick Hospital in 1916 from the Parade Ground.

Keswick Hospital : From the Parade Ground
Keswick Hospital in 1917. 'Note the progress'.

Keswick Hospital : Mess Rooms and Officers Quarters
Mess rooms and Officers quarters.

Keswick Hospital : Garden
Garden in front of Officers and Nurses mess.

Keswick Hospital : Nurses block
Matrons office and nurses block.

Keswick Hospital : Garden
View of the garden and huts at Keswick.

Keswick Hospital : Sanatorium

Keswick Hospital : Sanatorium and recreation room
Sanatorium and recreation room.

Keswick Hospital : Recreation room
Recreation room. A boon to the diggers. Constructed in late 1915 early 1916 with funds raised by the Catholic Womens League. Designed by Woods Bagot Jory & Laybourne Smith architects.

Keswick Hospital : Invitation
An invittion by the Military Commandant Brig.-General J.M. Antill, C.B., C.M.G. requesting the honor of the company of the Misses Williams on the occasion of the official handing-over by His Excellency the Governor of the Rest Room on Friday March 7th.

Keswick Hospital : the Rest Room
The Rest Room where the diggers spend a quiet hour - reading - writing etc.

Keswick Hospital : The first badge
'Our first badge' 1915-1917. Prohibited the use of the word 'Anzac' by the Federal Government as the letter at item 24 explains.

Keswick Hospital : Letter
Copy of a letter to the Minister of Defence from T.H. Smeaton Major regarding the prohibited use of the word 'Anzac' in the badge at item 23.

Keswick Hospital : Ella Williams
Ella Williams, Honorary Treasurer and joint Honorary Organiser 'Keswick Hospital Helpers', 1915-1921.

Keswick Hospital : Violet May Williams
Violet May Williams, joint Honorary Organiser 'Keswick Hospital Helpers'. Poem on page "If we can let into some soul a little light, If we some pathway dark and drear can render bright, If we to one in gloom can show the sunny side, Though no reward we win, we shall be satisfied'.

Keswick Hospital : Mrs Bert Matters
'Our amiable and energetic President'. Mrs Bert Matters - President Keswick Hospital Helpers.

Keswick Hospital : Ella and Violet Williams
'The Hon. Organisers' (Two live wires). Ella and Violet Williams, joint Hon. Organisers. Named by the diggers 'The Banana and Chocolate ladies'.

Keswick Hospital : T.C. Borrow
'Our capable and willing HOn. Sec.'. Mr T.C. Borrow, Hon. Sec. 'Angaz Helpers' now 'Keswick Hospital Helpers'.

Keswick Hospital : Lieut Col. H.H.E. Russell
'The Helpers' friend and adviser. Lieut Col. H.H.E. Russell. Our P.M.O.