Corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street [B 2456/1-4] • Artwork

Corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street
Artist's interpretation of the corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street (from a high elevation) as it would have appeared about 1880 - 'Drawn by E. Grant Walsh from old photographs in the Archives, Adelaide' [see item 3 for a 1924 interpretation]

Corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street
Artist's interpretation of the corner of James Place and Rundle Street as it was in about 1880, showing the Norfolk Arms Inn (licensee G. James). Caption reads: 'Early Days of Adelaide - corner of James Place and Rundle Street. Site of Maple Leaf Cafe. Copied by E. Grant Walsh, by permission, from a drawing by H. Glover, in Art Gallery, Adelaide' [see item 4 for a 1924 interpretation]

Corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street
Artist's interpretation of the corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street in 1924 - 'Drawn by E. Grant Walsh from old photographs in the Archives, Adelaide' [see item 2 for a 1880 interpretation]

Corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street
Artist's interpretation of the corner of James Place and Rundle Street in 1924, showing The FH Faulding & Co. building, the Grand Theatre and the Maple Leaf Cafe [see item 2 for a 1880 interpretation].