Find • world war 1914 1918 • Results 1,981 to 2,010 of 2,651

Mounted officers
Mounted officers.

Mounted horseman
Mounted horseman.

An officer.

Officers doing exercises.

Officers doing sports.

Officers doing sports.

Unidentified soldier, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Unidentified soldier, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Unidentified soldiers, 1st Australian Imperial Force, believed to have been photographed at Morphettville Camp.

Bruer, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Soldier Brenton
Soldier Brenton, 1st Australian Imperial Force. Appears to be a Private

Only described as 'Soldier McKenzie' this photo is believed to be of Private Daniel Humphrey McKenzie, service number 2948, 10th Battalion. Born 19 March 1888 at Dulwich, South Australia. Son of Daniel Mckenzie and Margaret nee Barber of Germein Street, Semaphore, SA. Painter and Decorator by trade. Enlisted 8 June 1915. Awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal 'for conspicuous bravery in the taking of Melville's Post. When all the NCO's had become casualties he took charge of the bayonet team, and although he was knocked over three times by shell fire he continued to lead the bayonet me.' Killed in action 25 February 1917 in France Aged 28 years. Commemorated Villers Bretonneux, France.

Soldier Hallam
Soldier Hallam.

Soldier McClintock
Soldier McClintock. A researcher believes this to be John Alexander McClintock of Goodwood.

Maurice John Mani
Maurice John Mani, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Private McDonal photographed in a studio.

Soldier Emery and others unidentified.

Soldier Emery.

Thomas Boothey
Sapper Thomas Boothey, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Opening of Drill Hall, Unley
Lieutenant Colonel Dollman salutes His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, on his arrival at the new drill hall and parade ground of the 74th Battalion (Boothby), Thomas Street, Unley. After formerly declaring the hall open the Governor presented Lieutenant Colonel Dollman with a volunteer decoration for having given 20 years continuous service. 13 March 1915. The man immediately to the Governor-General's right is Colonel Irving, South Australian Commandant.

Opening of Drill Hall, Unley
Lieutenant Colonel Dollman salutes His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, on his arrival at the new drill hall and parade ground of the 74th Battalion (Boothby), Thomas Street, Unley. After formerly declaring the hall open the Governor presented Lieutenant Colonel Dollman with a volunteer decoration for having given 20 years continuous service. 13 March 1915. The Governor's Aide-de-camp, Major B.S. Connor is on the left, walking towards the camera.

His Excellency Sir Henry Galway presents Lieutenant Colonel Dollman with a volunteer decoration
His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, presents Lieutenant Colonel Dollman with a volunteer decoration for having given 20 years continuous service. This ceremony occurred after the Governor had formerly declared open the new drill hall and parade ground of the 74th Battalion (Boothby), Thomas Street, Unley. 13 March 1915.

His Excellency Sir Henry Galway talks with Lieutenant Colonel Dollman
His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, (left) talks with Lieutenant Colonel Dollman at a ceremony where he presented Dollman with a volunteer decoration for having given 20 years continuous service. This ceremony occurred after the Governor had formerly declared open the new drill hall and parade ground of the 74th Battalion (Boothby), Thomas Street, Unley. 13 March 1915. J.L. Hardie is standing fourth from right, behind the officer wearing the helmet. The man to Dollman's left is Colonel Irving, South Australian Commandant.

His Excellency Sir Henry Galway talks with Lieutenant Colonel Dollman
His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Galway, (left) talks with Lieutenant Colonel Dollman at a ceremony where he presented Dollman with a volunteer decoration for having given 20 years continuous service. This ceremony occurred after the Governor had formerly declared open the new drill hall and parade ground of the 74th Battalion (Boothby), Thomas Street, Unley. 13 March 1915. Colonel Irving, South Australian Commandant, is standing to Dollman's left; the man of the far right is Colonel G.H. Dean.

Frederick Foreman
Frederick Walter Foreman, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Hilary Fuss
Hilary Everard Fuss, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Reginald Friend
Reginald (Reg) David Friend, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Richard Frankcom
Richard Frankcom, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Unidentified soldier
Unidentified soldier, who had previously been incorrectly identified as Hilary Everard Fuss, 1st Australian Imperial Force (Service number 312).

William Fitzgerald
William Charles Fitzgerald, 1st Australian Imperial Force.