Find • william light • Results 61 to 90 of 393

'The Rapid' riding out a storm
A photographic reproduction of the watercolour by Colonel William Light depicting the surveying brig 'Rapid' riding out a storm off Rapid Bay while held by two anchors on October 12th and 13th, 1836.

Surveying brig 'Rapid' in Rapid Bay
Photographic reproduction of Colonel William Light's painting of the brig 'Rapid' in a storm near Rapid Bay, St. Vincent Gulf, South Australia. An article from the Daily Herald (25 September 1922) states, "with the object of preserving the subject, the Chief Secretary (Hon. J.G. Bice) had a copy painted in oils by Miss Doreen Bice...presented to by Mr Bice to the Hon. J. Lewis and Mr. T. Gill, representing the Geographical Society, and it will be hung in the Society's room underneath the photograph of Col. Light." It is held by the South Australia Maritime Museum.

View at Yankalillah, South Australia
Colour lithograph depicting a scene at Yankalillah (sic) including an encampment to the right in the foreground and rolling coastal hills typical of the area. There is a small water inlet shown flowing past the camp. The artwork reflects the landscape and vegetation at the time.

Receipt for first allotment of land sold at Thebarton
A 'Receipt for the first allotment of land sold in Thebarton and signed by the late Colonel William Light. Presented to the Thebarton Council on 22 November 1922 by Thomas Gill, Esq. C.M.G., I. S.O.' The handwritten receipt reads: 'Thebarton Augt 7 1839 / Received of John Maxwell the sum of one pound Deposit for allotment No.3. / Wm Light'. [A report on the gift of the receipt to the Council appeared in the 'Register' on Saturday 25 November 1922, page 8.]

![Mr Beares tents, Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island [artwork]](
Mr Beares tents, Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island [artwork]
This artwork is worked up from a drawing in Light's sketchbook PRG 1/4/176, acknowledged as: Mr Beares tents, Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island. Referenced in: Elder, David. Art of William Light . Adelaide: Corporation of the City of Adelaide in association with Wakefield Press, 1987.

First landing at Glenelg
Black and white photograph of an oil painting sketch by Col. William Light of the first landing place at Glenelg made by Colonel Light and the first European colonists to South Australia. The view shows the Glenelg seashore with scrub behind the sand dunes and the Mount Lofty Ranges in the distance. Tents, huts, and a flagstaff have been erected in a clearing behind the dunes. Men are unloading stores from a ship's lighter. Original artwork held at the S.A. Museum.

Colonel Light's cottage
Colonel Light's cottage at Thebarton. This photo does not show the portion originally occupied by Colonel Light (see Dr. Fenner's pamphlet on Thebarton cottage). The structure shown here was added, after Colonel Light's death, onto the south end of the original building. In the Art Gallery are two excellent water coulours by Gus Barnes of the original cottage. The photo appeared in "The Advertiser", 27th January 1923, p 10.

Unveiling the new Colonel Light memorial in Light Square, Adelaide
Unveiling the new Colonel Light memorial in Light Square, Adelaide on June 21st 1905.

Unveiling the Colonel Light memorial monument, Adelaide, South Australia
G.G.Mayo handing a portrait of Colonel Light to the Lieutenant Governor of South Australia for presentation to the National Gallery at the unveiling ceremony of the Colonel Light memorial monument in Light Square, Adelaide, June 22 1905; the portrait was a promised gift of the late Dr.Mayo on condition that the State government subscribe one thousand pounds towards the erection of the monument.

The new Light Memorial, Light Square, Adelaide
The new Light Memorial, Light Square, Adelaide.

![South Australia, the port and town of Adelaide [cartographic material] :
on the eastern coast of St. Vincent's Gulf /
from a drawing by Colonel W. Light, Surveyor General](
South Australia, the port and town of Adelaide [cartographic material] : on the eastern coast of St. Vincent's Gulf / from a drawing by Colonel W. Light, Surveyor General
Map of the town and port of Adelaide showing Light's proposed park grounds around the town, the location of the present settlement, the sand hill at the harbour and the freshwater inland lakes. The map features Light's model for the emerging city, emphasising the availability of water, noting the surrounding vegetation, and his plan to connect the river flowing through the city to the harbour. The accompanying text are extracts from Light's writings, some dated Feby. 7th [1837], elaborating on his plans for Adelaide. Relief shown by hachures and soundings.

![South Australia [cartographic material] :
the port and town of Adelaide, on the eastern coast of St. Vincent's Gulf /
from a drawing by Colonel W. Light, Surveyor General](
South Australia [cartographic material] : the port and town of Adelaide, on the eastern coast of St. Vincent's Gulf / from a drawing by Colonel W. Light, Surveyor General
Map showing the town and port of Adelaide showing Light's proposed park grounds around the town, the location of the present settlement, the sand hill at the harbour and the freshwater inland lakes. The map features Light's model for the emerging city, emphasising the availability of water, noting the surrounding vegetation, and his plan to connect the river flowing through the city to the harbour. The accompanying text are extracts from Light's writings, some dated Feby. 7th [1837], elaborating on his plans for Adelaide. Relief shown by hachures and soundings.

Colonel Light's cottage
[General description] This cottage has mullion windows, a galvanised iron roof and a verandah. A paling fence can be seen in the foreground. It had changed hands and undergone alterations several times since the death of Colonel Light and is about to be demolished to make way for a factory. Factory chimneys can be seen in the background. [On front of photograph] 'Residence of the late Col. Wm. Light. Cr. Cawthorne and Winwood Sts. Thebarton/ South Australia'.

Colonel Light Memorial Executive Committee
[On front of photograph] 'The Executive Committee- Colonel Light Memorial. Mr H.L Jackman (Architect), Mr C.E. Owen Smyth (Supt. of Public Buildings), Mr T. Geo. Ellery (Town Clerk and Secretary to Committee), Cr. J. Lavington Bonython (Representing City Council), Mr R. Kyffin Thomas (Representing subscribers), Theodore Bruce (Mayor of Adelaide), Mr H. P. Gill (Director School of Design)' [General description] This studio group portrait shows three of the men seated, four standing behind.

Premier Mike Rann and Lord Mayor Michael Harbison at the Light letter unveiling
The Premier of South Australia, Hon. Mike Rann MP and the Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide, The Right Honourable Mr. Michael Harbison look at the Light letter at the unveiling in the Mortlock Wing on the Proclamation Day holiday on 27th December 2005.

Premier Mike Rann and Lord Mayor Michael Harbison at the Light letter unveiling
The Premier of South Australia, Hon. Mike Rann MP and the Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide, The Right Honourable Mr. Michael Harbison in conversation at the Light letter unveiling in the Mortlock Wing on the Proclamation Day holiday on 27th December 2005.

Unveiling of the Colonel Light memorial monument, Adelaide
The Mayor of Adelaide unveiling the Colonel Light memorial monument in Light Square, Adelaide on June 22 1905.

William Williams
[General description] This portrait shows Mr. W. Williams with straight dark hair, a light coloured vest and bow tie. [Caption on photograph] 'W.Williams / Arrived in the Signet (sic) 11th September 1836 and at Government Iron Stores Montefiore Hill' [On back of photograph] 'William Williams / Deputy Colonial Storekeeper'.

Photographs of students, school and church groups, friends and family of Carevie Helen Hayes.

The ship Buckinghamshire at Holdfast Bay - from a watercolour by Colonel William Light held in the Art Gallery. This ship carried migrants to South Australia once only. She was built in Bombay as a fully rigged ship of 1469 tons.

The prison at Verdun, France
The prison at Verdun, France, where William Light was held captive as a civilian in May 1803.

The prison at Verdun, France
The prison at Verdun, France, where William Light was held captive as a civilian in May 1803.

Bank of South Australia, Adelaide
Bank of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide. Original watercolour by Col. William Light. To see changes in this building from a sketch dated 1842, see B 4499.

A view of the country and of the temporary erections near the site for the proposed town of Adelaide
Coloured lithograph, drawn by William Light and engraved by Robert Havell, of 'A View of the Country and of the Temporary Erections near the Site for the Proposed Town of Adelaide" in South Australia. Forming the First of a Series of Views of that Colony now preparing for Publication'. The drawing features several small settlers' homes and tents, a hay cart drawn by two oxen, and several groups of settlers and Aboriginal people in the foreground, with the bush and Adelaide Hills in the background.

The "Rapid"
The 162 ton brig 'Rapid', surveying in Rapid Bay on October 12th, 1836. The 'Rapid' was the ship in which Colonel William Light travelled to South Australia in May 1836. She was wrecked on a reef at Rotumah on 24 Dec 1840.

William George Haylock Jnr
William George Haylock Jnr in a Light Horse uniform.

Illuminated guard house at the entrance to Government House, Adelaide
Photograph, of a photograph, of the Government House Guard House and gates outlined in lights. The sign above the gates reads 'God save the King'. The photographed photograph is attached to what appears to be a pinboard by drawing pins.

Light Horse Corporal
A soldier in uniform, possibly a Corporal from the British Light Horse.

Light Horse Corporal in trenchcoat
A soldier in uniform and trenchcoat, possibly a Corporal from the British Light Horse.

Sailing ship the 'Rapid' in rough seas off South Australia
Photographic reproduction of the watercolour sketch by Colonel William Light depicting the sailing ship 'Rapid' in rough seas at Rapid Bay, South Australia.