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Photographs of river shipping and places
Photographs from Harry Godson's collection, some which had been assigned his catalogue numbers but were not included in earlier digitised series 1-4. Most are undated.

Holden sponsorship of gliding teams
Black and white photographs of General Motors-Holden's Limited sponsorship of the Adelaide Soaring Club. Includes gliding teams from Adelaide and Britain with Holden courtesy cars on loan and handing over these vehicles at the Woodville Plant to gliding officials. Includes photograph of Don Dunstan at the opening of the 1974 World Gliding Championships at Waikerie. Also contains photographs of a gliding team at the GMH Woodville Plant in 1978.

A man seated in a goat-drawn cart
A man seated in a small cart drawn by a goat.

Two in a tub
Two unidentified babies in a wash tub on a bare floor, a door behind.

Local residents examining an envelope in a doorway
Two men examining an envelope in the light of a doorway of a building with corrugated iron walls.

Photographs of river shipping and places
Photographs from Harry Godson's collection which had been given his catalogue numbers but were not included in earlier digitised series 1-4. His numbers are included in caption details. Among the collection are photographs from the PS 'Marion' on its last trip from Berri to Mannum in June 1963 before being handed over to Mannum National Trust (images 32-63). Most images undated. See 'Contents' in 'More info' for details.

Roy James Cameron
A soldier, possibly Roy James Cameron, A.I.F. service number SX19241, standing outside his tent while on active service in the Middle East, taken March 1941. Back of photograph reads: 'To Margaret with lots of love from Roy.' Presumed to be written by Roy to his older sister Margaret Phylis Cameron.

Stopover at the Eudunda Hotel during a car trip by S. Prescott and C. Piggott to Waikerie (see B 34081 for further details).

Village Settlement, Holder
Holder village settlement, River Murray. This was one of thirteen communal settlements known as village settlements. They were created to ease the economic depression following the major strikes in the 1890's and the bank crash of 1893. Socialist ideas became popular and utopian schemes were appealing to the unemployed and those struggling to make ends meet. Following pumping problems and little knowledge the settlement ceased in 1903 with the remaining leased blocks being amalgamated into the Waikerie Irrigation Area.

Mount Mary Hotel
During a car trip by S. Prescott and C. Piggott to Waikerie.

River steamers on the Murray
River steamers "Lancashire Lass" was built at Echuca in 1878. The "Maggie" in 1881, also at Echuca. "Maggie" was used for tourist acommodation at Waikerie in 1910. No copying without permission from the Donor.

River steamer "Maggie"
River steamer "Maggie", built at Echuca in 1881. No copying without permission from the Donor. The "Maggie" was used as tourist accommodation at Waikerie in 1910.

River steamer "Maggie"
River steamer "Maggie". She was built at Echuca in 1881 and was used as tourist accommodation at Waikerie in 1910

Murray River Steamers
River steamers Decoy and Murrumbidgee, with barges Moorara, Empress and Mallara carrying the largest consignment of dried fruit (500 tons) ever carried on the river system. All vessels were at this time owned by Murray Shipping Ltd. Several events, including the disruption to trade caused by drought and World War I induced several large River Murray shipowners to combine their resources into one company: Murray Shipping Ltd. was formed in 1919 and included the fleet of Permewan, Wright and Co. Ltd. and AH Landseer Ltd of Milang and Knox and Downs of Wilcannia. Irrigation was established on the River Murray in the late 19th century; bust and boom years followed as droughts, heatwaves and severe frosts played havoc in the orchards. The tenacity of the pioneers, the development of more appropriate crops and frost protection techniques saw the Murray Valley eventually become established as a major fruit-growing region. Much of the land was developed after the First and Second World Wars with the Soldier Settlement Schemes opening up new tracts of land to irrigation. Dried fruit was a staple for many years and the river boats carried it downstream: a railway at Morgan connected the river trade with Port Adelaide and overseas shipping and there were railway lines to Loxton, Paringa and Waikerie by 1914.

T- Model Ford, Norwood
T - Model Ford at Norwood at the start of its 260 mile trip to Waikerie on December 11th 1915, driven by S. Prescott (the owner) and C. Piggott.

[General description] A view of the neat village of Ramco with its vineyards and orchards, featuring native vegetation in the foreground. Ramco was a formed after a group of residents split from the original Waikerie settlement, part of the 'Village Settlement Scheme' created by the South Australian government in the early 1890's to assist the large numbers of unemployed in Adelaide. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Observer, May 15, 1926 / Ramco / 1926'.

[General Description] This is a view of a bend in the River Murray. The eucalypts grow to the banks on either side of the river and there is a sandy area in the foreground. On the right is a small river steamer with a large smoke-stack and wheel. [On back of photograph] 'River frontage to Ramco / River Murray Village Settlement / 189-'.

Ramco Institute
[General description] The small single storey Ramco Institure building, built in 1927, is sited amongst pollarded gum trees. [On back of photograph] 'Ramco Institute / Three miles from Waikerie / Reproduced in the Chronicle for July 21, 1932'.

Ramco village settlement
Ramco village settlement, River Murray, 21/11/1894. This was one of thirteen communal settlements known as village settlements. They were created to ease the economic depression following the major strikes in the 1890's and the bank crash of 1893. Socialist ideas became popular and utopian schemes were appealing to the unemployed and those struggling to make ends meet. After 1903 settlers were granted their own land, began planting commercially and later the settlement was incorporated into the Waikerie Irrigation Area.

River Steamer & Barge
River steamer "Renmark" and the barge "J. G. Arnold" 20 minutes before finally going down at Waikerie Quarry.

School House, Woolpunda
School House and members of the Waikerie School Board, Woolpunda.

William Herbert Ifould
William Herbert Ifould was born at One Tree Hill in South Australia and became a cadet at the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia in 1892. He introduced the Dewey Decimal Classification System to the library and was appointed principal librarian in 1905. He founded the National Rose Society of New South Wales and established an orange grove at Waikerie. He spent most of his professional life in New South Wales holding various senior librarian positions

Irrigation Channel construction
Making concrete for Irrigation Channels near Waikerie or Holder.

Pioneer Women's Memorial
Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden looking east from near King William Road. A trust was set up to honour South Australian women pioneers. It was modelled on the 1935 memorial gardens in Melbourne. Melbourne sculptor Ola Cohn carved the female figure from a block of Waikerie limestone. Elsie Cornish created the gardens surrounding the sculpture with plants representing memory, protection and love. Gardens were opened in 1941. A time capsule lies within the base of the sculpture and is due to be opened in 2036.

The paddle steamer 'Marion'
MURRAY RIVER: The paddle steamer 'Marion' at Waikerie.

'P.S. Marion' on a flooded Murray River
MURRAY RIVER: P.S. Marion on a flooded River Murray near Waikerie.

Camp site at Sheppard Well
SHEPPARD WELL: A camp site at Sheppard Well during a Karoonda to Waikerie railway survey.

Staff at No. 1 Lock
Staff at No. 1 Lock reurning from Waikerie tennis call in at Glenforstan Station owned by Kilsby's. Left to right: S.G. Humphrys, Beryl Kilsby, Ian MacIntyre, Vic Forss, Hilda Kilsby, W.J. Scougall.

Staff at No. 1 Lock
Staff at No. 1 Lock reurning from Waikerie tennis call in at Glenforslan Station owned by Kilsby's. Left to right: S.G. Humphrys, Beryl Kilsby, Ian MacIntyre, Vic Forss, Hilda Kilsby, W.J. Scougall, ? D. Mudie.

Captain Rex Sheahan
Portrait of Captain Rex Sheahan at the wheel of a river boat.