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Bank of South Australia Maitland
Caption on back of photograph reads 'Bank of South Australia Maitland' but building is identical to the Union Bank of Australia Limited building in Maitland.

Town Hall
Two stereoscopic views, one of the Union Bank of Australia, Pirie Street, on the south-west corner of Gawler Place, the other of the Town Hall.

Low water level at Renmark
Low water level at Renmark, showing the river bed exposed near the wharf by the Renmark Fruit Packing Union Ltd shed.

Union Traffic bridge over the River Murray at Albury
Union traffic bridge over River Murray, Albury.

Premises of the South Australian Farmers Co-operative Union Ltd
The premises of the South Australian Farmers Co-operative Union Ltd. Franklin Street, Adelaide.

Members of the Australasian Ornithologists' Union at Snelling Beach
Members of the Australasian Ornithologists' Union arriving by rowing boat at Snelling beach, October 1905.

Norwich Union
Photograph of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Limited, Mount Gambier office.

Interior of SA Farmers' Co-operative Union premises
Interior of the head office of the South Australian Co-operative Farmers' Union featuring a large curved wooden counter. Two men are working behind the counter.

Interior of SA Farmers' Co-operative Union merchandise store
Interior of the South Australian Co-operative Farmers' Union merchandise store. Stock available for sale is visible including veterinary instruments, garden tools, axe handles, hammers and other hardware and motor accessories. The ceiling of the store features intricate plasterwork decoration.

Butter-making at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department
Men making and blending butter at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End, Adelaide.

Milk grading at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department
Man grading milk at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End, Adelaide.

Testing cream at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department
Women testing cream at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End, Adelaide.

Filling tins of condensed milk at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd., Murray Bridge
Man filling and checking tins of condensed milk at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd., Murray Bridge.

Manufacturing sweetened condensed milk at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd., Murray Bridge
Two men working machinery to make sweetened condensed milk at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd., Murray Bridge. Bags of sugar are visible in the foreground.

Test laborartory at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End
Women working in the milk and cream test laboratory at Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End.

Weighing and sampling Farmers' Union Milk
Men and women weighing and sampling milk received at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End.

Packing butter at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End
Men and women packing butter at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End. Butter from a vacuum blender is being fed manually into wrapping and moulding machines for distribution to stores.

Packing butter at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End
Men and women packing butter at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End. Blocks of butter are fed to a vacuum blender and then moulded and wrapped for distribution to stores.

Manufacturing cheddar cheese at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd., Murray Bridge
Manufacturing cheddar cheese at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd., Murray Bridge. The rindless cheese is being pressed in metal moulds.

Milk bottles at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End
Empty milk bottles on a production line at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End.

Milk bottles at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End
Milk bottles being filled on a production line at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End. A note on the back of the photograph states the output was 18,000 bottles per hour.

Milk bottles at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End
Milk bottles being filled on a production line at SA Farmers' Co-Op Union Ltd. Dairy Produce Department, Mile End.

Pinaroo Flour Mill
Group of people who took part in the official opening of the South Australian Farmers' Union Pinaroo flour mill on 6 April 1922. Top row L-R: M. McIntosh, M.P., J.W. Shannon, Acting Chairman S.A.F.U., P.J. Edwards, Chairman, F.H. Edwards, John Gray, Chairman of the Pinnaroo District Council, the Hon. L. O'Loughlin, and Senator Wilson.

South Australian teachers in Adelaide
Members of the South Australian Teachers Union gathered together outside a building in Adelaide; names not known.

A goods train at Mile End, South Australia
A goods train letting off steam at Mile End, near Adelaide, South Australia; the premises of the S.A. Farmers' Cooperative Union Limited are in the background.

Trade Union Labor Day procession in Argent Street, Broken Hill
Part of a trades union procession in Argent Street, Broken Hill watched by a large crowd.

Cudlee Creek Bridge
A ferro-concrete railway bridge over the Torrens River, near Cudlee Creek, South Australia. Also known as the Union Bridge. It was opened by the Commissioner of Crown Lands on February 3, 1917.

Premises of the South Australian Farmers Co-operative Union Ltd
The premises of the South Australian Farmers Co-operative Union Ltd. Franklin Street, Adelaide.

Cars parked outside a showroom
Three motor cars parked in front of the South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Union Limited showrooms in Waymouth Street. They were dealers for Maxwell cars: featured are three new 1922 model 21hp Maxwell's. Left to right registered to A. McDonald of Leighton, C. Cooper of Moonta and W. Tiller of Balaklava. Information supplied by Veteran Car Club of SA.

A flour mill at Pinnaroo
Premises of the South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Union Limited flour mill at Pinnaroo, South Australia.