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A party of seventeen men dining at the South Australian Hotel

A party of seventeen men dining at the South Australian Hotel

A party of seventeen men dining at what is probably the South Australian Hotel, hosted by Mr Frank Tolley.

The china clay mine

The china clay mine

The china clay mine: a general view of excavation work with three male visitors in the foreground. The man on the left is Lionel C.E. Gee

General scenes on Kangaroo Island featuring Hog Bay and Penneshaw

General scenes on Kangaroo Island featuring Hog Bay and Penneshaw

General scenes on Kangaroo Island featuring Hog Bay and Penneshaw.

Alice Beaumont playing a church organ for her son

Alice Beaumont playing a church organ for her son

Mrs Alice Beaumont playing a church organ for her choirboy son at Ballarat Victoria.

The River Murray and wharf at Morgan

The River Murray and wharf at Morgan

The River Murray and wharf at Morgan, a flood measuring table can be seen in the foreground.

Studio view of a woman wearing evening dress

Studio view of a woman wearing evening dress

Studio view of a woman wearing evening dress, possibly Mrs. Alice Beaumont.

Two women in the garden of a house called "Strode"

Two women in the garden of a house called "Strode"

Two women in the garden of a house called "Strode", the residence of Mrs Charles May.

Arthur Searcy's family home in Albert Street, Semaphore

Arthur Searcy's family home in Albert Street, Semaphore

Arthur Searcy's family home in Albert Street, Semaphore; it is a two storied building and members of the family are on the upper verandah and stairway leading up to it.

A railway accident at Walloway station

A railway accident at Walloway station

A railway accident at Walloway station, with the locomotive overturned and trucks smashed.

A harbour view

A harbour view

Port Adelaide viewed from Birkenhead showing the Custom House at the end of Commercial Road on the right.

A sea view showing the wreck of the "Glenrosa" near Cape Banks

A sea view showing the wreck of the "Glenrosa" near Cape Banks

A sea view showing the wreck of the "Glenrosa" near Cape Banks.

A small sailing boat in shallow water at Semaphore with W.H.F. Bayley and his five children

A small sailing boat in shallow water at Semaphore with W.H.F. Bayley and his five children

A small sailing boat in shallow water at Semaphore with W.H.F. Bayley and his five children.

A couple identified as Mr & Mrs Smyth relaxing with two children and a dog on rocky terrain

A couple identified as Mr & Mrs Smyth relaxing with two children and a dog on rocky terrain

A couple identified as Mr & Mrs Smyth relaxing with two children and a dog on rocky terrain; the man wears tropical army uniform and has bare feet with his trousers rolled up.

The sail and steam vessel R.M.S. "Massilia"

The sail and steam vessel R.M.S. "Massilia"

The sail and steam vessel R.M.S. "Massilia": an artists'. impression.

Floods at Port Germein

Floods at Port Germein

Floods at Port Germein.

The main street, showing the Town Hall on the left, Mount Gambier

The main street, showing the Town Hall on the left, Mount Gambier

The main street, showing the Town Hall on the left.

Distant view of the Leg of Mutton lakes

Distant view of the Leg of Mutton lakes

Distant view of the Leg of Mutton lakes.

The Sir John Franklin monument in Hobart

The Sir John Franklin monument in Hobart

The Sir John Franklin monument in Hobart.

A private residence with two people and a dog standing outside

A private residence with two people and a dog standing outside

A private residence with two people and a dog standing outside; location not known.

The lighthouse at Cape Jaffa

The lighthouse at Cape Jaffa

The lighthouse at Cape Jaffa: an artist's impression.

A group of adults and children outside the Sage family home which includes Governor Le Hunte

A group of adults and children outside the Sage family home which includes Governor Le Hunte

A group of adults and children outside the Sage family home which includes Governor Le Hunte.

A country scene showing rabbits feeding

A country scene showing rabbits feeding

A country scene showing rabbits feeding: location unknown.

The site of A.L. Gordon's leap

The site of A.L. Gordon's leap

The site of A.L. Gordon's leap.

The Customs House at Port Adelaide

The Customs House at Port Adelaide

The Customs House at Port Adelaide.

The Blue Lake at Mount Gambier

The Blue Lake at Mount Gambier

The Blue Lake at Mount Gambier.

The lighthouse at the top of an access ladder

The lighthouse at the top of an access ladder

The lighthouse at the top of an access ladder which goes 356 ft. up a steep cliff from a landing platform.

Sailing vessels at Port Germein Jetty taking baled grain on board

Sailing vessels at Port Germein Jetty taking baled grain on board

Originally thought to be Sailing vessels at Port Augusta Jetty taking baled grain on board, it is Port Germein Jetty, not Port Augusta.

The SS "Indus"

The SS "Indus"

The SS "Indus", an artist's impression.

The RMS "Carthage"

The RMS "Carthage"

The RMS "Carthage".

Busy scene in the main street of Port Germein with wagons and railway trucks loading timber

Busy scene in the main street of Port Germein with wagons and railway trucks loading timber

Busy scene in the main street of Port Germein with wagons and railway trucks loading timber.