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Work buildings and equipment at the Barossa waterworks site

Work buildings and equipment at the Barossa waterworks site

Work buildings and equipment at the Barossa waterworks site.

The completed reservoir in the Barossa Valley

The completed reservoir in the Barossa Valley

View of the completed reservoir in the Barossa Valley.

A rowing boat carrying the President of the Marine Board from the 'Governor Musgrave'

A rowing boat carrying the President of the Marine Board from the 'Governor Musgrave'

A rowing boat carrying the President of the Marine Board from the "Governor Musgrave" anchored offshore landing at a rocky point on Penguin Island.

Christmas Cove

Christmas Cove

Christmas Cove.

Sailing ship "Iris" at Port Adelaide

Sailing ship "Iris" at Port Adelaide

Sailing ship "Iris" at Port Adelaide.

S.S. Kalgoorlie working at 11 p.m

S.S. Kalgoorlie working at 11 p.m

A faded photograph taken after dark captioned "S.S. Kalgoorlie working at 11 p.m.".

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

Shipboard scene on the S.S. "Governor Musgrave" showing crew and visitors watching a diver descending to the sea.

A small dinghy under sail on the Port River

A small dinghy under sail on the Port River

A small dinghy under sail on the Port River on trial for use at Penguin Island.

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

Distant view of S.S. "Governor Musgrave" sailing inside the reef at Cape Banks.

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

Distant view of S.S. "Governor Musgrave" at sea in Harveys Return.

The "Ethel" stranded on the beach

The "Ethel" stranded on the beach

The "Ethel" stranded on the beach, January 1904.

Passengers, including children, at sea on the steam launch "Juno"

Passengers, including children, at sea on the steam launch "Juno"

Passengers, including children, at sea on the steam launch "Juno".

Indistinct view of a dinghy at sea captioned "Musgrave whales hauling off at Harveys Return"

Indistinct view of a dinghy at sea captioned "Musgrave whales hauling off at Harveys Return"

Indistinct view of a dinghy at sea captioned "Musgrave whales hauling off at Harveys Return".

The gunship "Protector" at sea

The gunship "Protector" at sea

The gunship "Protector" at sea.

The S.S. "Musgrave" in dry dock on Jenkins' slip

The S.S. "Musgrave" in dry dock on Jenkins' slip

The S.S. "Musgrave" in dry dock on Jenkins' slip.

The jetty with shipping alongside

The jetty with shipping alongside

The jetty with shipping alongside.

Discharge pipes

Discharge pipes

Discharge pipes.

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

Close view of the "Governor Musgrave" being re-fuelled with coal at Light's Passage.

A horse drawn carriage at Hope Valley with three male passengers

A horse drawn carriage at Hope Valley with three male passengers

A horse drawn carriage at Hope Valley with three male passengers identified as E.P. Clarke, I. Linnett and Hayman.

Three men stand at the end of the discharge pipe construction watching water gushing into the sea

Three men stand at the end of the discharge pipe construction watching water gushing into the sea

Three men stand at the end of the discharge pipe construction watching water gushing into the sea; one identified as Mr. Rowden.

Children standing outside "Montrose"

Children standing outside "Montrose"

Five children stand in shade outside a residence known as "Montrose", later to be the North Adelaide Educational Institution.

A. Searcy on board SS Governor Musgrave

A. Searcy on board SS Governor Musgrave

A. Searcy on board the S.S. "Governor Musgrave" cleaning schnapper whilst on a holiday.

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

A shipboard scene of men on deck and in the rigging of the S.S. "Governor Musgrave" at sea off Wallaroo.

The S.S. "Argyle" at sea

The S.S. "Argyle" at sea

The S.S. "Argyle" at sea.

The 'Ethel' ashore near Pondolowie Bay

The 'Ethel' ashore near Pondolowie Bay

The "Ethel" ashore near Pondolowie Bay.

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

The S.S. "Governor Musgrave" anchored at Light's Passage.

The sea wall, Light's Passage

The sea wall, Light's Passage

The sea wall, Light's Passage.

SS Governor Musgrave

SS Governor Musgrave

Discharge pipes with S.S. "Governor Musgrave" in the background in Light's Passage.

Workmen shovelling limestone on a pontoon in Light's Passage

Workmen shovelling limestone on a pontoon in Light's Passage

Workmen shovelling limestone on a pontoon in Light's Passage.

Surf crashing on rocks, left side of Cape Willoughby

Surf crashing on rocks, left side of Cape Willoughby

Surf crashing on rocks, left side of Cape Willoughby.