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Distant view from the sea of the lighthouse

Distant view from the sea of the lighthouse

Distant view from the sea of the lighthouse: view 2.

Rocky terrain with a seal enjoying the sun

Rocky terrain with a seal enjoying the sun

Rocky terrain with a seal enjoying the sun; the written caption describes it as "an uncanny place".

Remarkable Rocks, Cape du Couedic

Remarkable Rocks, Cape du Couedic

Remarkable Rocks, Cape du Couedic; a view taken from the sea.

Greenly Island; a distant view taken from the sea

Greenly Island; a distant view taken from the sea

Distant view taken from the sea: view 1.

Greenly Island; a distant view taken from the sea

Greenly Island; a distant view taken from the sea

Distant view taken from the sea: view 2.

Lighthouse at Cape Willoughby

Lighthouse at Cape Willoughby

Distant view of the lighthouse and surf breaking along the coastline.

A sea view of Pelorus Island off the west side of Kangaroo Island

A sea view of Pelorus Island off the west side of Kangaroo Island

A sea view of Pelorus Island off the west side of Kangaroo Island.

Group of men on board a vessel at sea during a search

Group of men on board a vessel at sea during a search

Group of men on board a vessel at sea during a search for a missing ship, the "Loch Vennachar" lost with all hands at West Bay, Kangaroo Island.

Part of the rocky coastline of Greenly Island

Part of the rocky coastline of Greenly Island

Part of the rocky coastline of Greenly Island.

Machinery with water spraying captioned "N.Z. Odwells Pty Ltd"

Machinery with water spraying captioned "N.Z. Odwells Pty Ltd"

Machinery with water spraying captioned "N.Z. Odwells Pty Ltd".

A steamboat carrying an excursion party to the "new" Outer Harbor

A steamboat carrying an excursion party to the "new" Outer Harbor

A steamboat carrying an excursion party to the "new" Outer Harbor.

Group of men and women on an excursion, possibly to Outer Harbor

Group of men and women on an excursion, possibly to Outer Harbor

Group of men and women on an excursion, possibly to Outer Harbor.

Group of men on board the "Governor Musgrave"

Group of men on board the "Governor Musgrave"

Group of men on board the "Governor Musgrave" during a search for a missing ship, the "Loch Vennachar" lost with all hands at West Bay, Kangaroo Island.

Wreckage from the "Loch Vennachar"

Wreckage from the "Loch Vennachar"

Wreckage from the "Loch Vennachar" found at Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island.

A seascape taken from cliffs 200 ft. above sea level

A seascape taken from cliffs 200 ft. above sea level

A seascape taken from cliffs 200 ft. above sea level; a steamer is in the picture, possibly the "Governor Musgrave".

Near Cape Willoughby, south side

Near Cape Willoughby, south side

Near Cape Willoughby, south side.

Rocks and surf four miles from Cape Willoughby

Rocks and surf four miles from Cape Willoughby

Rocks and surf four miles from Cape Willoughby.

Searching for shipwreck debris

Searching for shipwreck debris

Five men and a dog searching for shipwreck debris from the "Loch Vennachar".

Search party for shipwreck debris from the "Loch Vennachar"

Search party for shipwreck debris from the "Loch Vennachar"

Search party for shipwreck debris from the "Loch Vennachar" on a cliff south side of Kangaroo Island.

South side of Kangaroo Island

South side of Kangaroo Island

South side of Kangaroo Island.

The Searcy family home in Albert Street, Semaphore

The Searcy family home in Albert Street, Semaphore

The Searcy family home in Albert Street, Semaphore.

Lighthouse at Corny Point

Lighthouse at Corny Point

Lighthouse at Corny Point.

The lighthouse at Corny Point

The lighthouse at Corny Point

The lighthouse at Corny Point.

Three friends at North Adelaide

Three friends at North Adelaide

Garden view of three friends photographed at Mills Terrace, North Adelaide; l-r: John E. Searcy, Miss Salom, Miss Judell. Miss Salom may be Rebecca Salom (1860-1931), daughter of South Australian MP Maurice Salom (1832-1903). Salom married Leopold Judell (1848-1927) [information provided by a researcher.]

Olive Kemp

Olive Kemp

Studio view of Olive A. Kemp.

A watercolour sketch of Brighton Victoria, artist: O. [or D] Ebbe

A watercolour sketch of Brighton Victoria, artist: O. [or D] Ebbe

A watercolour sketch of Brighton Victoria, artist: O. [or D] Ebbe.

Woolshed Customs Office, Derby, W.A

Woolshed Customs Office, Derby, W.A

Woolshed Customs Office, Derby, W.A.

A small horse pulling a wooden cart carrying a young Aboriginal girl in Derby, W.A

A small horse pulling a wooden cart carrying a young Aboriginal girl in Derby, W.A

A small horse pulling a wooden cart carrying a young Aboriginal girl in Derby, W.A.

An area called "Mayalls Well", four miles from Derby, Western Australia

An area called "Mayalls Well", four miles from Derby, Western Australia

An area called "Mayalls Well", four miles from Derby, Western Australia, the last watering place for stock before shipment.

A bullock team waiting outside buildings, Derby, Western Australia

A bullock team waiting outside buildings, Derby, Western Australia

A bullock team waiting outside buildings, Derby, Western Australia.