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Horse drawn wagons waiting to unload wheat for shipping

Horse drawn wagons waiting to unload wheat for shipping

Horse drawn wagons waiting to unload wheat for shipping; the mechanism for moving the bags of grain into the receiving area can be seen working from a wagon in the foreground.

Charles Sturt's grave

Charles Sturt's grave

Charles Sturt's grave, Presbbury, near Cheltenham, England; spring flowers are blooming profusely in the grassed area.

One of Lord Tennyson's sons

One of Lord Tennyson's sons

One of Lord Tennyson's sons, later killed in World War I, working the steering wheel of "The Protector" gunboat in February 1903.

The jetty at Port Germein

The jetty at Port Germein

The jetty at Port Germein with the waters of a high tide breaking over it.

Neptune Island coastline

Neptune Island coastline

Part of the rocky coastline of Neptune Island with waves breaking on the shore.

The end of a jetty

The end of a jetty

The end of a jetty at Whyalla, but captioned Iron Knob. According to a researcher, this is Whyalla's original jetty. 'The key identifiers are Hummock Hill to the left, behind the jetty, Mt Laura (distinctive shape) in the distance and the ore chutes on the side of the jetty to drop ironstone into barges.'

The jetty at Wallaroo

The jetty at Wallaroo

The jetty at Wallaroo with sailing ships anchored alongside.

The first jetty at Stansbury

The first jetty at Stansbury

The first jetty at Stansbury.

A view of a major jetty at Whyalla

A view of a major jetty at Whyalla

A view of a major jetty at Whyalla, but captioned as being Iron Knob. According to a researcher, this is Whyalla's original jetty. 'The key identifiers are Hummock Hill to the left, behind the jetty, Mt Laura (distinctive shape) in the distance and the ore chutes on the side of the jetty to drop ironstone into barges.'

A distant view of Point Lowly

A distant view of Point Lowly

A distant view of Point Lowly.

The jetty at Beachport

The jetty at Beachport

The jetty at Beachport with the "Julia Percy" anchored alongside.

The jetty at Wallaroo with the cargo ship "Waroora" anchored alongside

The jetty at Wallaroo with the cargo ship "Waroora" anchored alongside

The jetty at Wallaroo with the cargo ship "Waroora" anchored alongside.

The jetty at Port Lincoln

The jetty at Port Lincoln

The jetty at Port Lincoln with a cargo ship anchored alongside.

Methodist Church at Noarlunga

Methodist Church at Noarlunga

Early view of the Methodist Church at Noarlunga with members of the congregation gathered outside. Two banners are by the Church entrance as if the occasion of a festive nature.

Five men on board the "Governor Musgrave"

Five men on board the "Governor Musgrave"

Five men on board the "Governor Musgrave" sitting and standing together on a deck. It is captioned 'The pyjama parade, 5.30 a.m."' the men are named l-r: Gill; Roffe S.; Weir; Arthur Searcy; Alfred Searcy, 31st December 1902.

The 'Luakim'

The 'Luakim'

The 'Luakim", a P. & O. vessel used as a hospital ship photographed in the Red Sea.

Opening of the railway at Light Pass in March 1903

Opening of the railway at Light Pass in March 1903

The opening of the railway at Light Pass in March 1903: view of officials, railway workers, and the first locomotive to use the line. The caption refers to Lights Passage not Light Pass.

E.P. Clarke, Chief Inspector of Distilleries

E.P. Clarke, Chief Inspector of Distilleries

E.P. Clarke, Chief Inspector of Distilleries standing with a horse in bush country.

General view, including part of the reservoir

General view, including part of the reservoir

General view, including part of the reservoir.

Part of the walled dam of the reservoir in the Barossa Valley

Part of the walled dam of the reservoir in the Barossa Valley

Part of the walled dam of the reservoir in the Barossa Valley showing water behind the wall and a trickle in the foreground. A man stands on a section of the wall.

Telegraph staff at work

Telegraph staff at work

Telegraph staff at work in the operation room, Telegraph Office, King William Street.

Arthur Searcy

Arthur Searcy

Arthur Searcy, President of the Public Service Association, Deputy Commissioner of Taxes and Stamps, and President of the Marine Board. Compiler of the Searcy Collection, Mortlock Library, State Library of South Australia.

Premises of L.E. Cubber's coach building and H. Troon's blacksmith shop

Premises of L.E. Cubber's coach building and H. Troon's blacksmith shop

Premises of L.E. Cubber's coach building and H. Troon's blacksmith shops at Ballarat, Victoria. Three workers stand outside with samples of carriages.

Grenfell Street, south side, Adelaide

Grenfell Street, south side, Adelaide

Grenfell Street, south side, Adelaide.

Boating party at Broad Creek

Boating party at Broad Creek

Party of six men and a woman in a large rowing boat at Broad Creek. A written note refers to "The Warden" and M.B., ML>.

Taxation officers

Taxation officers

A large formal group of taxation officers.

The old site of the Port Adelaide Light

The old site of the Port Adelaide Light

The old site of the Port Adelaide Light built in 1869, height 84 ft. with a white revolving flash every thirty seconds; it was wrecked and disappeared in 1901 when the headkeeper was Mr. Templeman.

Street in Yorketown

Street in Yorketown

General street view featuring M. Erichsen's Weaner Flat general store; a troop of mounted infantry wait on the road. The store on the left is now the Yorketown bakery and on the right, obscured by trees, is the original Yorketown Courthouse, now used by the Yorketown Historical Society. (Weaner Flat was a subdivision of part Section 87, Hd. of Melville by storekeeper Edward Jacobs in 1875, now included in Yorketown.).

A silhouette of a hand with the fingers splayed apart

A silhouette of a hand with the fingers splayed apart

A silhouette of a hand with the fingers splayed apart.

Premises of L.E. Cutter's coach building factory at Ballarat

Premises of L.E. Cutter's coach building factory at Ballarat

Premises of L.E. Cutter's coach building factory at Ballarat, Victoria with a large group of workers standing outside.