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Parliamentary party visiting the Murray River region

Parliamentary party visiting the Murray River region

Members of a Parliamentary inspection party standing in a field of grain during a visit to a farm in the Murray River region.

Tourist Bureau Office at Outer Harbor, South Australia

Tourist Bureau Office at Outer Harbor, South Australia

Lengths of drain pipe in a workshop

Lengths of drain pipe in a workshop

The interior of a warehouse containing cylindrical objects that could be lengths of drain pipe.

Bringing in hay at harvest time in South Australia

Bringing in hay at harvest time in South Australia

Horse drawn wagons bringing in hay for stacking on a farm in South Australia.

Men testing large water pipes

Men testing large water pipes

Two men testing large water pipes erected in South Australia.

Happy Valley Reservoir outlet tower

Happy Valley Reservoir outlet tower

The tall stone outlet tower of the Happy Valley Reservoir.

Clearing land in South Australia

Clearing land in South Australia

A farmer using three horses to help clear land in South Australia.

South Australian Railways locomotive

South Australian Railways locomotive

South Australian Railways locomotive, narrow gauge "T" class no.180.

South Australian Institute.

South Australian Institute.

Premises of the South Australian Institute, North Terrace, Adelaide; a banner over the main entrance advertises a Society of Arts exhibition.

Passengers boarding a ship at Outer Harbor

Passengers boarding a ship at Outer Harbor

Passengers boarding a ship at Outer Harbor, South Australia.

A railway track inspection car

A railway track inspection car

A South Australian Railways track inspection car.

The Adelaide Plains, South Australia

The Adelaide Plains, South Australia

Panoramic view of the Adelaide Plains, South Australia.

Three men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Three men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Three men visiting Mount Lofty near Adelaide in June 1912; Commander Brevis, a lighthouse expert is standing second from the right.

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Two men standing beside their motor car during a visit to Mount Lofty near Adelaide in June 1912; Mr. Parkes stands left with Commander Brevis, a lighthouse expert, right.

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, near Adelaide in June 1912; Mr. Parkes stands right with Commander Brevis, a lighthouse expert.

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Two men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Close view of two men standing near their motor car during a visit to Mount Lofty, near Adelaide in June 1912; Mr. Parkes stands left with Commander Brevis, a lighthouse expert.

Miss Flo Jeffery

Miss Flo Jeffery

Miss Flo Jeffery of Tumby Bay, South Australia; a head and shoulders view of her writing at a desk.

The jetty at Milang, South Australia

The jetty at Milang, South Australia

The jetty at Milang in South Australia.

Four men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Four men visiting Mount Lofty, South Australia

Four men visiting Mount Lofty, near Adelaide in June 1912; left to right: W.D. Clare (?); Mr. Parkes; Commander Brevis; A. Cornish.

A steamship passing Penguin Island

A steamship passing Penguin Island

A steamship passing Penguin Island, the site of a lighthouse near Beachport, South Australia.

A tennis court on Penguin Island, South Australia

A tennis court on Penguin Island, South Australia

Two men and a girl working on maintaining a grass tennis court on Penguin Island for the use of the lighthouse keepers and their families.

Tennis court on Penguin Island, South Australia

Tennis court on Penguin Island, South Australia

A man rolling a grass tennis court on Penguin Island for the use of the lighthouse keeper's families.

Obelisk at Cape Dombey, near Robe, South Australia

Obelisk at Cape Dombey, near Robe, South Australia

Distant view of the obelisk at Cape Dombey, near Robe in South Australia.

A birthday card

A birthday card

A birthday card depicting signal flags flying by a maritime scene embellished with a rope and lifebelt decorated with violets.

Life-saving crew practising at Brighton, South Australia

Life-saving crew practising at Brighton, South Australia

Members of a life-saving crew practising with their instructor Mr. Staples on the beach at Brighton, South Australia.

Rural scene at Hakone, Japan

Rural scene at Hakone, Japan

Horse drawn carts travelling along a country road at Hakone in Japan with the caption: 'Road of old, Hakone'.

Botanical gardens, Melbourne, Victoria

Botanical gardens, Melbourne, Victoria

Two people walking along a path to the Temple of the Winds in the Botanical gardens, Melbourne, Victoria.

Two women with a baby girl

Two women with a baby girl

Two women photographed holding a baby girl; Mrs. Alice Beaumont of Ballarat sits left with her daughter Mrs. G. Bell.

Part of the Botanical gardens in Melbourne, Victoria

Part of the Botanical gardens in Melbourne, Victoria

The lake and surrounding trees in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Victoria.

Alexandra Avenue, Melbourne, Victoria

Alexandra Avenue, Melbourne, Victoria

Panoramic view of Melbourne, Victoria featuring Alexandra Avenue and the Yarra River.