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Visiting English cricket team
Members of a visiting English cricket team photographed in Adelaide, South Australia; names not known.

Fern house at the Botanic Garden, Adelaide
Interior of the fern house at the Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia.

Rowing on the Torrens River
Close view of an eights rowing team practising on the Torrens River, Adelaide, South Australia.

A wedding group
A wedding group at the marriage of Miss Stevens, daughter of the late G. E. C. Stevens showing the bride and groom, adult and child bridesmaids, and the best man.

Show jumping in South Australia
A horse and rider jumping a brush fence during a show jumping event held in South Australia.

A sunken dredge Port Adelaide
A sunken dredge at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Country scene in the Adelaide Hills
A country scene in the Mount Lofty Ranges showing gum trees growing beside a track.

River in flood
Distant view of a flooded river, possibly the Murray.

Coal bins on Sydney Harbour
Overhead view of coal bins, shipping and a steam dredge at the docks on Sydney Harbour, New South Wales.

Group of Aboriginal people
A group of Aboriginal people photographed at a settlement on the East West Railway line in western South Australia.

A champion running athlete
A male athlete, champion runner; name not known.

Driving a car through a flood
A man attempting to drive an open topped motorcar through a flooded creek on the way to Port Darwin in the Northern Territory.

Family group at a golden wedding
A family group photographed at a golden wedding celebration in South Australia; described by Searcy as being 'old colonists'.

Spectators at a bowling match
Players and spectators attending a 'city and country' bowling match held at Balaklava, South Australia.

A picnic at the races
Men and women enjoying a picnic lunch at the races in South Australia.

A religious procession at Toorak Gardens
Choirboys and clergy, including a Bishop, processing at the Anglican rectory of St. Theodore's Church, Toorak Gardens, South Australia; the rectory is situated at the corner of Prescott Terrace and Grant Avenue, Gartrell Memorial Church and hall can be seen in the background on the right.

A Bush barber cutting hair
A station hand watching a barber cutting the hair of a customer at an outback station in South Australia.

J. Wyles of Glen Osmond
J. H. Wyles, an 'Old Colonist' of Glen Osmond seated on a box underneath a eucalyptus tree which he planted.

A football player
A football player photographed at a suburban oval in Adelaide; name not known.

St. Patrick's Day float
A group of Dominican Convent schoolgirls dressed as angels and Irish maidens travelling on a decorated horse-drawn float during a St. Patrick's Day parade held in Adelaide, South Australia.

Foundation stone ceremony at Wayville
A crowd of spectators attending the Anglican Church of Emmanuel foundation stone ceremony held at Clark Street, Wayville, South Australia.

West Adelaide Grand Final Side 1922
Members of West Adelaide Football Club 1922 Grand Final football team. Back Row - Harry Lee; Jack Kearns; Matt Huxtable; Fred Bailey. Third Row - Joe Brown; Joe Lukeman; Bill Martin; Albert Wright; Jack O'Dea; Charles Shea. Second Row - Bobbie Barnes; George Cooper; Bert Edwards MP (Chairman); Vic Peters (C); Gordon Dreyer (Secretary); Len Cossey (VC); Snowy Hamilton. Front Row - Bill Bishop; Sid Simmons; Jim Bishop (Shine Hosking was West Adelaide's coach. Not pictured). Bobbie Barnes won the Magarey Medal that year and it is Snowy Hamilton's seventh (and final) game in red and black after waiting half the season to get a transfer. He went to Subiaco Football Club in Western Australia in 1923. 1922 SAFL Grand Final, 30th September 1922. Adelaide Oval. Attendance 31,000 Norwood 9-7 (61) d West Adelaide 2-16 (28)

Members of a cricket team
Members of a cricket team photographed at Adelaide Oval, South Australia; 'Nip' Pellew and Victor Richardson are seated at the right end of the front row.

Racegoers at Morphettville racecourse
A crowd of racegoers outside the Totalisator building at Morphettville racecourse, South Australia.

J. Foote, champion runner
J. Foote, who came second in a cross country running competition in South Australia.

The S.S. 'Governor Musgrave'
The S.S. 'Governor Musgrave' moored at a Port Pirie wharf, South Australia.

Driver with his motor car
Close view of an open topped motor car being driven by its owner in Adelaide, South Australia.

A field artillery competition
Horse-drawn field artillery carriages carrying soldiers competing in a contest held on Jubilee Oval in Adelaide, South Australia.

Jockeys at Morphettville racecourse
A group of thirteen jockeys photographed at Morphettville racecourse, South Australia; names not known.

Polo in South Australia
Distant view of a game of polo in South Australia.