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Break of Gauge rail experiments
Officials observing railway 'break of gauge' experiments using a Matthews truck near Adelaide, South Australia.

Henley Beach Road in flood
Distant view of a horse-drawn vehicle carrying passengers travelling along a flooded section of Henley Beach Road, South Australia.

Farmers, pastoralists and commercial travellers
A formal group of men described by Searcy as being 'South Australian farmers, pastoralists, and commercial travellers'; names not known.

Men attending a levee at Government House
Men waiting in a receiving line during a levee at Government House, Adelaide, South Australia; names not known.

Motorcycle and sidecar race competitor
Competitors in a motorcycle and sidecar race identified as Messrs. Wise and Ducket, photographed at a race meeting in South Australia.

Eight Hour Day float
A horse-drawn float carrying a large barrel and advertising Hardy's Wines proceeding along a street in Adelaide as part of the Eight Hour Day, later known as Labor Day, celebration parade.

Academics at a Governor's levee
Men wearing academic gowns waiting in a receiving line whilst attending a levee at Government House, Adelaide, South Australia.

Football players for Port Adelaide
Players and officials from the premiership winning Port Adelaide football club in 1921; names not known.

Players in a baseball match
Players in an interstate baseball match between New South Wales and the South Australian Number 2 team held at a sport field in Adelaide, South Australia.

Ceremony at Naracoorte
The dedication of the War Memorial in 1923 at a ceremony in Smith Street, Naracoorte.

Academics at a Governor's levee
Men wearing academic gowns waiting in a receiving line whilst attending a levee at Government House, Adelaide, South Australia.

First commercial aircraft flight
Five men standing in front of an Avro aeroplane who are the pilot and passengers on the first commercial flight between Longreach and Winton, Queensland.

'Break of gauge' rail demonstration
Men attending a 'break of gauge' rail demonstration, near Adelaide, South Australia; exact location unknown.

St. Theodore's Church, Rose Park
St. Theodore's Anglican Church at Rose Park, South Australia.

Cricket team from New South Wales
Members of a cricket team from New South Wales photographed at Adelaide Oval during a visit to South Australia; names not known.

A man from Adelaide
Close view of a man from Adelaide, South Australia; name not known.

Soldiers in a battle scarred street
Soldiers wearing tropical uniforms standing beside a sandbagged bunker in a street where buildings have been badly damaged by shelling; exact location not known. A researcher has suggested that the location is South Africa, during the Boer War (1899-1902). The soldiers are holding Lee Enfield rifles, which were introduced in 1895.

Mounted Police on parade
Distant view of South Australian Mounted Police performing sword drill at the Jubilee Oval in Adelaide.

Sturt football team
Members of the Sturt football team; Victor Richardson is seated middle row, third from the right. The Magarey Medal winner for 1923, Horace Riley, is the back row, third from right. Other names not known.

Promotion for the 'Indian' motorcycle
Three motorcyclists photographed at a sporting event in Adelaide; one man is wearing the headdress representing a North American Indian as part of a promotion for the 'Indian' motorcycle.

Yachting at Port Adelaide
Close view of four yachts sailing on the Port River at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

A horse and rider
A horse and rider photographed at a racetrack in South Australia; name not known.

Women and a man representing 'Boshter Beer'
A group of women and a man promoting 'Boshter Beer' which, according to a sign 'licks the lot' at the Adelaide Show, South Australia.

Scholars at the Commercial Travellers' Association
School children seated with their study materials at tables covered in heavy cloths situated on the upper verandah of the Commercial Travellers' Association building on North Terrace west, Adelaide, South Australia; two men who could be teachers stand in the background.

Sir Ross Smith's funeral procession
Crowds watching the State Funeral procession for Sir Ross Smith, which is led by mounted police, as it travels from St. Peter's Cathedral northward along King William Road past Brougham Gardens, North Adelaide on its way to the North Road Cemetery, Nailsworth, South Australia.

Carnation exhibit at the Adelaide show
A carnation exhibit at the Adelaide Show, South Australia.

John Gunn and two other men
John Gunn, Premier of South Australia, standing left with two other men whose names are not known.

A man with terrier dogs
Two terrier dogs with a man holding a shot gun in South Australia.

Holiday accommodation on Kangaroo Island
'Ryberg House' and 'Ryberg Cottage', two holiday homes on the western side of American River, Kangaroo Island, where 'fishing, shooting, and boating parties can be arranged' and 'terms are moderate', J. A. Linnett, Proprietor.

Kingscote and American River views
A ' bird's eye view of Kingscote' and a 'panoramic view of American River' on Kangaroo Island, South Australia: two views in one.