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A South Australian football match
A group of football players contesting a mark at a South Australian football match between the Norwood and West Adelaide teams.

Sir Ross Smith and a despatch rider
Sir Ross Smith either receiving or delivering a note to a man seated on a motorcycle; purpose not known.

Two wireless technicians
Wireless technicians, Messrs. Henry Kauper, engineer, and Lancelot Jones, electrical fitter, sitting beside a wireless receiver which is providing the music for the first Radio dance in South Australia. Given by the South Australian Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia in the Royal Institution for the Blind hall, North Adelaide, on Thursday 28 June 1923, the dance music was broadcast from the private wireless station at the home of Mr. Henry Lashbrooke Austin, electrician, of 8 The Parade, Norwood.

Four male tennis players
Four members of the South Australian Tennis Club including Messrs. Stuart, Evans and Roberts.

Dog show in Adelaide
Judging collie dogs at a show in Adelaide, South Australia.

Commission of appointment
Government document appointing Arthur Searcy to the position of Commissioner of Trade Marks in and for the State of South Australia and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, dated July 20 1904.

Mourners on Memorial Cross day
Men and women standing near the old Morphett Street Bridge, opposite Holy Trinity Church on North Terrace, Adelaide awaiting proceedings on Memorial Cross day.

Sailors on a warship
Sailors assembled by the ship's rail of a Royal Naval destroyer visiting Outer Harbor, South Australia.

Part of the Murray River
Shallow waters and sandbanks in the Murray River, South Australia.

Wharves at Port Adelaide
Wooden supports showing the structure of a wharf at Port Adelaide.

Victoria Park racecourse
Hundreds of racegoers attending horse racing at Victoria Park racecourse, Adelaide, South Australia.

H.M.A.S. ANZAC(I) at Port Adelaide
Marksman Class Destroyer HMAS ANZAC(I)at Port Adelaide.

Visiting British sailors aboard ship
British Royal Navy officers and sailors photographed aboard their destroyer whilst visiting Outer Harbor, South Australia.

Construction of a reservoir
Workmen and horse-drawn vehicles working at the construction site of a reservoir in South Australia.

Lewis Cohen opening Adelaide golf links
Lewis Cohen, Lord Mayor of Adelaide with golf club in hand at the opening of the Adelaide Municipal golf links, Montefiore Park, South Australia.

Collecting coconuts in New Guinea
Two native New Guineans standing with a water buffalo pulling a cart filled with coconuts on a road passing through a coconut plantation; a woman and two men of European extraction, travelling in an open tourer have joined in the photograph.

Adelaide Highland Pipe Band
Members of the Adelaide Highland Pipe Band photographed in the grounds of Government House, Adelaide, South Australia; names not known.

Donkey team in Central Australia
A team of donkeys pulling a heavily loaded cart on the Oodnadatta to Port Darwin overland track in Central Australia.

Cricket player bowled
English captain J.W.H.T. Douglas bowled at the crease during a cricket match in Australia.

Memorial service at Kapunda
A large crowd attending a war memorial service held in Main Street, Kapunda, South Australia.

Two football players in action
Two players from the Port Adelaide and West Adelaide football teams contesting a mark during a football match held at Alberton Oval, South Australia.

Women at a social occasion
Women seated in wicker chairs at a social gathering held on the verandah of a house in Adelaide, South Australia.

Part of the wharves at Port Adelaide
A section of the wharves at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

A kelpie dog
A kelpie dog photographed at a dog show in Adelaide, South Australia.

Soldiers' memorial at Keith
A woman standing beside a World War I soldiers' memorial erected at Memorial Park, Keith, South Australia.

East Terrace, Adelaide
Horse drawn carts and wagons parked on East Terrace outside the East End Fruit and Vegetable Produce Market during a Friday morning market day in Adelaide, South Australia.

University students in comic dress
A group of tertiary students in a lighthearted mood wearing comic clothes travelling on the back of a horse drawn cart owned by Frank Hamilton Wines, Adelaide; part of the premises of the Mitchell Building, University of Adelaide is in the background.

War Memorial ceremony
Crowds attending a World War I memorial ceremony; location not known.

Eucalyptus tree at Glen Osmond
A large eucalyptus tree growing beside a house or shop near the entrance to St. Saviour's Church, Glen Osmond, South Australia; Searcy notes that the 'famous tree' was planted by a Mr. Miles. [John Henry Wiles planted the tree in 1868 to commemorate the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh to Glen Osmond. There is a plaque at the base of the tree. John Henry Wiles managed the quarries at Glen Osmond for 30 years, and was later an inspector for the Burnside Council. Information supplied by Max Wurfel.]

Wooden construction of a wharf
A detail of decaying timbers constructing a wharf at Port Adelaide, South Australia.