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Spectators at a football game, Adelaide Oval

Spectators at a football game, Adelaide Oval

Close view of spectators watching a football game a t Adelaide Oval, South Australia. Taken at the West Adelaide v West Torrens game on 22 July 1922. West won the game 9-11 (65) to 8-14 (62). The South Adelaide v Glenelg score is the quarter time score from the match at Glenelg Oval. Scoreboards at football grounds would keep the crowds appraised of scores at other grounds.

Prize winning horse at a show

Prize winning horse at a show

A horse and rider being awarded a first prize ribbon by a judge at a horse show in South Australia.

The winner of a running race

The winner of a running race

A. Rumsley, a champion athlete, running past judges as he wins a race held at Adelaide Oval, South Australia.

South Australian Amateur Athletics one mile relay race

South Australian Amateur Athletics one mile relay race

Athletes who won the South Australian Amateur Athletics one mile relay race run during the interval of the Port Adelaide v Norwood football match at Alberton Oval on Saturday 2 September 1922. From left to right: F.W. Clayton, E. Howard, C.H. Morgan and L.C. Bonnett.

Scientists at Government House, Adelaide

Scientists at Government House, Adelaide

A group of visiting scientists photographed outside Government House with Sir George Murray, Lieutenant Governor of South Australia sitting centre with Dr. Campbell on his left, other names not known; according to Searcy they are taking part in an investigation of the transit of Venus.

Sir George Murray at Keswick Barracks

Sir George Murray at Keswick Barracks

Sir George Murray, Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia, taking a salute during a military function held at Keswick Barracks, South Australia.

Large residence in North Adelaide

Large residence in North Adelaide

A large residence in Childers Street, North Adelaide belonging T.R. Gun, formerly of the Royal Arms Hotel, Port Adelaide.

Prize winning gladioli

Prize winning gladioli

A display of prize winning gladioli at the Eastern Suburbs Horticultural and Floricultural Society flower show held at Norwood, South Australia.

Flowers in bloom

Flowers in bloom

Flowers in bloom, probably a rambling rose, in Adelaide, South Australia.

Labor Day float

Labor Day float

A horse and cart float advertising Australian breweries which was part of an Eight Hour Day procession held in Adelaide, South Australia.

Spectators at a polo match

Spectators at a polo match

Three men watching a polo match in South Australia.

Callisthenics display at Thebarton

Callisthenics display at Thebarton

Young girls performing in a callisthenics display at Thebarton Oval, South Australia.

Sir Henry Galway with military and naval officers

Sir Henry Galway with military and naval officers

Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, sitting centre with Admiral Dumaresq on his right and General Sir Cyril Brudenell White on his left in the grounds of Government House; two other officers stand behind with Legh Winser, the Governor's private secretary.

Spectators outside the Adelaide Railway Station

Spectators outside the Adelaide Railway Station

A policeman and South Australian Railways officer standing in front of a crowd of waiting spectators outside the Adelaide Railway Station during the opening of Parliament.

Western Australian men in Adelaide

Western Australian men in Adelaide

A group of uniformed men visiting Adelaide from Western Australia photographed with a nurse in front of a grandstand, probably at the Jubilee Oval; names not known.

Labor Day horse-drawn float

Labor Day horse-drawn float

A horse-drawn float decorated with a large barrel and vine garlands promoting Hardy's Wines taking part in a 8 Hour Day procession through the streets of Adelaide, South Australia.

Mr. Luff of Adelaide

Mr. Luff of Adelaide

Mr. Luff, a wine merchant of Adelaide, South Australia.

Visitors from India in Adelaide

Visitors from India in Adelaide

Sikh Indians visiting Adelaide, four turbaned men, one holding a baby in his arms, stand with a woman wearing a sari, one man is wearing war medals.

A cyclist in the Burra to Adelaide race

A cyclist in the Burra to Adelaide race

Mr. O. Hoffmann, a cycling competitor in the Burra to Adelaide road race photographed riding his bicycle in a standing position with the support of another man.

Finish of a bicycle race

Finish of a bicycle race

A crowd of spectators watching the winner arrive at the finishing line of the Dunlop bicycle race between Burra and Adelaide in South Australia.

Mr. Clarke of the Adelaide Hunt Club

Mr. Clarke of the Adelaide Hunt Club

Mr. Clarke, a member of the Adelaide Hunt Club photographed mounted on a horse during a Meet.

Mr Crawford Smith, Adelaide Hunt Club

Mr Crawford Smith, Adelaide Hunt Club

Mr Crawford Smith, a member of the Adelaide Hunt Club photographed mounted on a horse during a Meet.

Mr. W.R.B. Wakeham, Adelaide Hunt Club

Mr. W.R.B. Wakeham, Adelaide Hunt Club

Mr. W.R.B. Wakeham, a member of the Adelaide Hunt Club photographed mounted on the horse 'Exporter' during a Meet.

Dr. Brian Swift

Dr. Brian Swift

Dr. Brian Swift, a champion golf player in 1922-1923.

A champion runner from Port Adelaide

A champion runner from Port Adelaide

Close view of Mr. Quinn, a two mile running champion from Port Adelaide, seated with a spectator at a sporting venue.

The East Perth football team in Adelaide

The East Perth football team in Adelaide

Members of the East Perth football team visiting South Australia photographed eating oranges during a break in a match held in Adelaide; names not known. East Perth (the Royals) undertook an August tour of the Eastern States. They defeated what were to be the 1922 SAFL (SANFL) premiers Norwood by the score of 8.20 (68) to 7.10 (52) and runners-up West Adelaide by 11.12 (78) to 7.12 (54), after having lost by a point to St. Kilda two weeks earlier in Melbourne.

Steamboat 'Cadell'

Steamboat 'Cadell'

The steamboat 'Cadell' berthed at Goolwa on the Murray River, South Australia.

Men chairing the winner of a contest

Men chairing the winner of a contest

Men chairing a man identified as 'Roberts', the winner of a contest, possibly for shooting, across a country field in South Australia.

A fire damaged motor car at Tapley's Hill

A fire damaged motor car at Tapley's Hill

The remains of a fire damaged motor car on the roadside at Tapley's Hill, South Australia.

Boy Scouts practising first aid

Boy Scouts practising first aid

A group of boy scouts from the Forestville troop practising first aid skills on a 'patient' during a demonstration in Adelaide, South Australia.