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Visitors attending a country show
Visitors patronising decorated stalls and a marquee at a country show in South Australia.

A horse-drawn cart at a country show
Two men riding on a cart drawn by two horses at a country show in South Australia; exact location not known.

A Dort motor car crossing a river
An open-topped Dort motor car packed with luggage being successfully driven across a river during a journey from South Australia to Darwin.

Streaky Bay
Distant view of buildings and residences at Streaky Bay, South Australia; a view taken from the jetty.

A livestock parade on the Jubilee Oval
Crowds watching a parade of cattle in the show ring of Jubilee Oval during the Adelaide Show, South Australia.

Show jumping at the Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
A horse and rider jumping a hurdle during a show jumping event held at the Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

A man with a golf club
A young man identified as 'Giles' standing holding a golf club.

Boy Scouts
A group of young Boy Scouts photographed in Adelaide, South Australia; one holds a small drum, names not known.

Sir Archibald Weigall planting a tree
Spectators watching Sir Archibald Weigall, Governor of South Australia plant a tree in a park in Adelaide.

'Swim through Adelaide' swimming race
Spectators and officials watching a competitor arrive at the finishing platform of the annual 'Swim through Adelaide' swimming competition held in the Torrens River, South Australia.

Rowing on the Port River, Port Adelaide
Distant view of three Three rowing teams competing in a race on the Port River, Port Adelaide, South Australia.

A football match at Adelaide Oval
Close view of players in a football match being played on the Adelaide Oval, South Australia. Port Adelaide vs Norwood (probably).

The interior of the Wool Exchange, Adelaide
Men seated on semi circular wooden benches in the chamber of the Wool Exchange, Adelaide, South Australia.

Shipping at Port Adelaide
Sailing ships in the South Australian Company's Basin, Port Adelaide, near Robinson's Bridge.

Shipping at Port Adelaide
Sailing ships anchored at the South Australian Company's wharf, Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Sir Archibald Weigall with former cricket players
Sir Archibald Weigall, Governor of South Australia standing with four men described as 'famous cricketers'; they include George Giffen, second from the left and J. J. Lyons, second from the right.

Staff of the Commonwealth Bank, Adelaide
A group photograph of the Manager and male officers of theCommonwealth Bank in Adelaide, South Australia; the Manager, P. W. Vaughan is seated centre, front row, other names not known.

Display of vegetables at the Adelaide Show
A prize-winning display of vegetables at the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Societies' Show held in Adelaide, South Australia.

A prize-winning cow
A prize-winning Jersey cow.

Women at a war memorial service
Women, including several nurses attending a war memorial service in the Adelaide Parklands, South Australia.

Men standing with greyhounds
A large gathering of men standing behind two others holding three greyhound dogs, a horseman wearing hunting dress, possibly acting as an official is waiting between the dog handlers.

Prize-winning draught horse
A man standing with a prize-winning draught horse on the Jubilee Oval at the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Shoaw, Adelaide, South Australia.

A sheaf tossing competition
A sheaf tossing competition in progress at the Jubilee Oval during the Royal Adelaide Show held in Adelaide, South Australia.

The Weigall family at a picnic
Sir Archibald Weigall, Governor of South Australia, Lady Weigall and their daughter Priscilla seated with a group of men, described by Searcy as 'returned soldiers', attending a picnic function possibly held at National Park, Belair.

Launching the S.S. 'Eurimbla' at Osborne
Crowds attending the launching of the S.S. 'Eurimbla' at Osborne, South Australia.

Show jumping at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
Horsemen clearing fences during a show jumping event at the Adelaide Show held on Jubilee Oval, South Australia.

Prize winning horse drawn buggy cart
Prize winning horse drawn buggy cart photographed on Jubilee Oval during the Royal Adelaide Show, South Australia.

A bull at the Adelaide Show
Close view of a bull at the Adelaide Show, South Australia.

A horse at the Adelaide Show
A horse photographed at the Royal Adelaide Show, South Australia.

Show jumping at the Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
A horseman clearing a fence during a show jumping event held at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.