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Studio view of Ross Smith
PORTRAIT: Studio view of Ross Smith, aged thirteen.

Studio view of Ross, Keith and Colin Smith
PORTRAIT: Studio view of Ross and Keith Smith with their brother Colin. Left to right: Colin; Keith; Ross.

James Dawson co-founder of Strathalbyn
PORTRAIT: Colonel or Major James Dawson co-founder of Strathalbyn. The decoration pinned to his waist-coat was awarded to him by the Shah of Persia.

Jane Dawson of Strathalbyn
PORTRAIT: Jane Dawson, nee Hamilton, wife of James Dawson, co-founder of Strathalbyn.

Painting of Adam Lindsay Gordon riding his horse
PORTRAIT: View of a painting of Adam Lindsay Gordon riding his horse 'Viking'. Adam Lindsay Gordon lived and worked as a policeman in Penola, before becoming a member of parliament for the Victoria district. He was the author of the poems 'Sea Spray', 'Smoke Drift' and 'Ashtaroth'.

Alfred T. Chandler
PORTRAIT: View of Alfred T. Chandler author of 'A Bush Idyll' and 'Songs of the Sunland'. Alfred Thomas Chandler worked for the Adelaide Register and Advertiser newspapers and also founded the Quiz in 1892.

John Howlett-Ross
PORTRAIT: John Howlett-Ross an Australian poet and writer. Author of 'The Laureate of the Centaurs' and a memoir of the life and times of Adam Lindsay Gordon.

Sesca Lewin also known as Sesca Somerville or Frances Sescadorowna Lewin
PORTRAIT: Sesca Lewin also known as Sesca Somerville or Frances Sescadorowna Lewin. Author of 'Songs of the South', published in 1884 and 'Abel Tasman and Other Poems', published in 1889.

Harry John White
PORTRAIT: Harry John White the author of 'Round the Campfire', 'Once a seaman', 'An Odd Legacy' and others. His work consisted of sea pieces, religious verse and Australian ballads all of which were published in Port Augusta.

F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo
PORTRAIT: F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo, 8 January 1833 - 11 July 1836; he provisioned his ship for the historic voyage to South Australia in 1836 but due to a promotional appointment a week before departing his place was taken by Mr. James Wood. The painting show him with his dog 'Buffalo'. Artist unknown. From the original painting in Reserve 9.

F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo
PORTRAIT: The painting of F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo, 8 January 1833 - 11 July 1836, showing its condition before cleaning by ARTLAB; artist unknown.

F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo
PORTRAIT: The painting of F.W.R. Sadler partially cleaned, the dog's head can now be clearly seen; artist unknown.

F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo
PORTRAIT: A detail from the painting depicting F.W.R. Sadler showing the head after cleaning restoration work by ARTLAB, artist unknown.

F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo
PORTRAIT: Detail from the painting of F.W.R. Sadler, showing the hand and dog's head before cleaning by ARTLAB; artist unknown.

F.W.R. Sadler, Commander of H.M.S. Buffalo
PORTRAIT: Detail from the painting of F.W.R. Sadler showing the hand and the dog's head after cleaning by ARTLAB; artist unknown.

David Morley Charleston, an advocate for the South Australian Trades and Labour Council
PORTRAIT: David Morley Charleston; he worked tirelessly as an advocate for the Trades and Labour Council to improve wages and conditions for piece-workers in the 1890's. The original photograph bears the following inscription: 'To Miss E. Brendt in memory of a fellow worker in the interest of oppressed humanity' Adelaide, July 6th 1894.

Studio portrait of a family's older generation
COSTUME: A studio portrait of a family's older generation: four women and a man.

Frances Taylor (nee Harvie), a member of the Australian Women's Land Army
PORTRAIT: Frances Taylor (nee Harvie), a member of the Australian Women's Land Army who served at Lucindale.

Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Vardon
PORTRAIT: Mr and Mrs F.J. Vardon of Vardon Printery.

Four generations of the women of the Cosh Family
PORTRAIT: Four generations of the women of the Cosh Family.

Members of the Vardon Family
PORTRAIT: Members of the Vardon Family, printers of Adelaide.

Members of the Aunger family
PORTRAIT: Members of the Aunger family. The parents are John Aunger (1847-1933) and Annie Maria, nee Tucker (1850-1914). Their nine children are all included in the photograph. The boy standing at the back is Horace Hooper Murray (1878-1953); his younger brothers, sitting front, left and right, are Lionel John Salisbury (1885-1975) and Cyril Clarence Garfield (1887-1973). The names of the daughters are Alice Lavinia Elizabeth (1871-1962), Alma Florence (1872-1961), Beatrice Maud (1874-1965), Mabel Annie ('May', 1876-1956), Adelaide Olive Evelyn (1881-1972), and Marion Frances Blanche (1883-1971). [from information provided by relative].

Barbara Janice Hanrahan
PORTRAIT: Barbara Janice Hanrahan, 1939-1991, South Australian artist and writer.

Barbara Janice Hanrahan
PORTRAIT: Barbara Janice Hanrahan, 1939-1991, South Australian artist and writer.

Barbara Janice Hanrahan
PORTRAIT: Barbara Janice Hanrahan, 1939-1991, South Australian artist and writer.

Dr. Christopher Verco
PORTRAIT: Dr. Christopher Verco, Gynaecologist at Modbury Hospital.

Dr. Norman Tindale
PORTRAIT: Dr. Norman Tindale, Curator Emeritus, South Australian Museum.

Esther Lipman
PORTRAIT: Esther Lipman, a volunteer worker for the Fighting Forces Comforts Fund.

Lady Gowrie
A portrait of Lady Gowrie.

Lord Gowrie
A portrait of Lord Gowrie in army uniform.