c. 1870, Photograph, B 1301
John Smith, builder and publican of the Wheatsheaf Hotel at Smithfield from 1847-1860. Founder of 'Smithfield' South Australia. Baker, Merchant, Militiaman, Inn-keeper, Farmer, Elephant Owner and Colonist. Born Lanark 1807 (date unconfirmed). Married Ann Neilson 24 September 1838 (date unconfirmed). Arrived South Australia 22 January 1839 on the ship the 'Bardaster'from London. Departed 1840 for New Zealand, arriving 4 June, 1840 on 'Chelydra'. Departed NZ 1845 for Tasmania, arriving 7 May 1845 on 'Sir John Franklin'. Departed Tasmania on 'Palmyra' for South Australia, arriving December 24, 1845. Bought land between Adelaide and Gawler, developed inn and stockyard at 'Smith's Creek', which became the township of 'Smithfield'. 21 October 1861 returned to S.A. on 'Irene' after a visit to 'old country'. Died in 1877, buried Willaston cemetery.