c. 1870, Photograph, B 15152
West Jetty, Port Augusta. Notes on the back of the photograph say "Port Augusta from the west side. Possibly taken c.1870-1871. Port Augusta West jetty in the foreground. Two storey building at left side of photograph is the store of PR Warren, draper and grocer. (This building is Transcontinental Printing Office of 1963). The next two storey building shown along Tassie Street bears the name of the firm Bignett and Young. This was their second shop in Tassie Street - the first opened in 1867, opposite. Built as a single storey store at the corner of Commercial Road during 1872 - thus helping to fix the date of the photograph. Bible Christian Chapel in Chapel Street, and behind it, first building of St Augustine's Anglican Church. Along shore frontages, Gooch and Haywards and also Tassie's jetties, and respective stores. Police Barracks, and stableyards. Former Dover Castle Inn, then boarding house. Old Customs House and residence beyond Alexander MacKays old store".