Find • police • Results 151 to 180 of 1,474

Southport Police Station
The Police Station, Southport.

Police camel and tracker
Police camel and tracker, Oodnadatta.

Police Station, Outer Harbor
New Police Station, Outer Harbor. It is a red brick building, symmetrical in design, with a gabled portico. A white picket fence completes the picture.

First Police Station, Palmer
Thought to be the first police station at Palmer.

Police Station, Palmer
The second Police Station at Palmer.

Old Police Station, Pondana
Ruins of the old police station at Pondana.

Old Police Station, Pondana
Ruins of the old police station at Pondana.

Police Station, Port Adelaide
Decorations for the centenary of the City of Port Adelaide on the Police Station.

Port Adelaide Police Station
Port Adelaide Police Station on Floral Day.

Police Station on Floral Day
Police Station on Floral Day.

Post Office and Police Station
Post Office, right, and the Police Station at Port Germein.

Police Station & Post Office
The Police Station and Post Office at Port Germein.

Police Station, Port Lincoln
[General description] The central gabled section of this single storey limestone building has an arched entrance door with a fanlight. The roof is slate. There is a white picket fence on the boundary. [On back of photograph] 'Port Lincoln / Police Station and Local Court House / 1933 / Reproduced in the Chronicle for June 22 1933'.

The old police station
The old police station.

The old police station
The old police station.

Police station, Port Lincoln
The police station at Port Lincoln before demolition.

Police, Port Pirie
Members of the South Australian Police Force stationed at Port Pirie. Back row, left to right: FC. Rainsford; Wehr; Cornes; Guiney; Pawling; Kurtz; Corry; Moore; Tonkin, Ryan. Front row: MC Manhood; Broad; P.C.C. Phillips; Superintendent Noblet; Inspector Johns; MC Barrett; WP Curtis; Detective Evans; MC Mcinerney.

Police Station and Courthouse
The old police station and courthouse on West Street, Port Wakefield.

Police Station, Redhill
Police Station, Redhill.

Renmark Police
Extra police during strikes.

Police Station, Parkside
Police Station and Primary School.

Police Station, Parkside
Police Station.

Swan Reach Police station
Swan Reach Police station.

Police station, Tarcoola
Police station at Tarcoola.

Police Station, Tumby Bay
Police Station, Tumby Bay.

Police Station, Two Wells
The police station at Two Wells.

New Police Station, Unley
New Police Station, at Edmund Avenue, Unley, soon after its completion. It is a narrow brick building, with a commanding portico and topped with a cupola. It had a court house at the front and cell block at the rear. Reproduced in the 'Chronicle', 14th February, 1925. See B 2442 for the old building in Unley Road.

Old Police Station, Unley
Old Police Station, on Unley Road, Unley. This view was taken just before removal to the purpose-built new premises at 83 Edmund Avenue. Reproduced in the "Chronicle', February 14th, 1925. See B 2441 for the new building.

Police Troopers
The two subjects of this tintype portrait have been posed sitting on chairs facing each other, the stripes on their uniform trousers making an interesting effect. They are Police Troopers S. A. Clindening, stationed at Meningie on the left, and W. V. Ewens stationed at Mount Gambier, 1879-1882, on the right.

Police Constables
[General description] Three Police Constables are posed sitting around a small table. One man is holding a sabre.