Find • police • Results 331 to 360 of 1,474

Police on parade

Police on parade

Foot Police on parade in Adelaide; the men stand in two lines holding rifles over their left shoulders.

Mounted Police on parade, Adelaide

Mounted Police on parade, Adelaide

Members of the South Australian Mounted Police riding their greys at the Adelaide Parade Ground.

South Australian Mounted Police on parade

South Australian Mounted Police on parade

Members of the South Australian Mounted Police demonstrating sabre exercises whilst riding their greys during a parade at the Adelaide Parade Ground.

South Australian Mounted Police

South Australian Mounted Police

Officers and men of the South Australian Mounted Police at Thebarton Barracks, South Australia.

Mounted Police on parade

Mounted Police on parade

A troop of South Australian Mounted Police lined up on parade at the Adelaide Parade Ground.

Senior police officers

Senior police officers

Senior officers of the South Australian Police Department. Names not known, other than Thomas Stephen Tuohy who is the policemen fourth from the left (and the right), wearing the medals that he was awarded for bravery at the Star of Greece shipwreck rescue.

Foot Police demonstrating rifle drill

Foot Police demonstrating rifle drill

A troop of South Australian Foot Police performing rifle drill at the Adelaide Parade Ground.

Police demonstrating first aid

Police demonstrating first aid

Mounted Police preparing a leg splint on a patient during a first aid exercise held on a parade ground at Thebarton, South Australia.

Commissioner of Police and senior officers

Commissioner of Police and senior officers

Thomas Edwards, Commissioner of Police, seated second from right, and principal inspectors in the South Australian Force; other names not known.

Police demonstrating first aid

Police demonstrating first aid

Police performing a first aid demonstration on the parade ground outside their barracks at Thebarton, South Australia.

Police demonstrating first aid

Police demonstrating first aid

Five members of the Mounted Police lifting a 'patient' onto a stretcher during a first aid training exercise conducted at Thebarton Barracks, South Australia.

Mounted Police on parade

Mounted Police on parade

Distant view of South Australian Mounted Police performing sword drill at the Jubilee Oval in Adelaide.

Mounted Police display

Mounted Police display

Mounted Police trotting their horses one behind the other at the Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, possibly rehearsing for a display.

Adelaide police physical fitness officers

Adelaide police physical fitness officers

A group of police physical fitness officers from Adelaide.

South Australian police tug-of-war team

South Australian police tug-of-war team

Men of the South Australian police tug-of-war team photographed with their rope coiled in the foreground.

Adelaide police outside their barracks

Adelaide police outside their barracks

Members of the Adelaide foot police force wearing new uniforms in a large group outside their barracks.

Military police

Military police

A group of mounted military police.

Traffic police officers

Traffic police officers

Eight traffic control police officers.

Police on parade in Adelaide

Police on parade in Adelaide

Mounted and foot police on parade in Adelaide for inspection by Chief Secretary A.W. Styles.

Inspector Richard Saunders of the South Australian Mounted Police

Inspector Richard Saunders of the South Australian Mounted Police

Inspector Richard Saunders of the South Australian Mounted Police: a studio view.

Aboriginal men, including a police trooper, and women at Murat Bay

Aboriginal men, including a police trooper, and women at Murat Bay

Aboriginal men, including a police trooper, and women at Murat Bay.

South Australian police band

South Australian police band

Members of the South Australian brass band, pictured with their instruments outside the Police Barracks off Kintore Avenue.

Truro Police Camp

Truro Police Camp

The approach road to the camp. Media caravan on right, police buses at centre, mounted divisional van at left, camp at rear. The camp was set up to investigate the murder of seven young women whose bodies were found in the district.

Police Station, Pine Creek

Police Station, Pine Creek

Police Station, Pine Creek.

Police station at Beltana, 1897-98

Police station at Beltana, 1897-98

Photograph of a stone building with a man, woman and two children at the front gate. Identified as the 'Police St. Beltana. 1897-98'.

Thomas Paul Richards

Thomas Paul Richards

Police Sergeant Thomas Richards, husband of Anne, in uniform, seated, holding a sword.

Melrose Police Station

Melrose Police Station

Old Melrose Police Station in front of the mist of Mount Remarkable.

Holden Hill Police Station

Holden Hill Police Station

View from across a wide road of a brick building identified as the Holden Hill Police Station.

Old Gepps Cross Police Station

Old Gepps Cross Police Station

View of the former Gepps Cross Police Station, being used as an office for a caravan retailer.

South Australian Traffic Police

South Australian Traffic Police

South Australian Traffic Police. Standing left to right: Constables Keene, Preston, Ryan and Curtis. Sitting left to right: Constable Lillywhite, Sergeant D. Reiley and Constable Whitfield.