Andre, Roger, 1996, Photograph, B 64032
MURRAY BRIDGE: Side view of abandoned train crew accommodation at Murray Bridge, April 1996.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 64130
MURRAY RIVER: A group of men photographed near their tents during a camping excursion on the banks of the Murray River in South Australia.
c. 1990, Photograph, B 62055
MURRAY BRIDGE: A water-skier near the Murray Bridge Rowing Club.
Minchin, R. E., c. 1867, Photograph, B 62339
MURRAY RIVER: Sketch of a thunderstorm over the Murray River where two Aboriginal hunters seek shelter under a gum tree growing on the banks, by Richard Ernest Minchin.
Walker, W. D., c. 1928, Photograph, B 53588
MURRAY RIVER: Swimming sheep out of Murray swamp on to high land.
Murray, Alec G. C., c. 1947, Photograph, B 54460
PORTRAIT: Miss Mary (Molly) Campbell Murray, d. 1990, daughter of Malcolm George Douglas Murray and Margaret Louise Campbell.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 54497
MURRAY RIVER: PS 'Queen', trading steamer and her consort barge 'Bourke' at a landing stage on the River Murray.
c. 1905, Photograph, B 55444
MURRAY BRIDGE: A group of people standing outside the Eudunda Farmers Co-Operative Society store at Murray Bridge.
1992, Photograph, B 56930
MURRAY BRIDGE: Railway building at Murray Bridge. Note may be reproduced but acknowledgement for State Heritage Branch is required.
1992, Photograph, B 57056
MURRAY BRIDGE: Old cottages at Murray Bridge. Note may be reproduced but acknowledgment for State Heritage Branch required.
1992, Photograph, B 57057
MURRAY BRIDGE: Railway station and platform at Murray Bridge. Note may be reproduced but acknowledgment for State Heritage Branch required.
c. 1920, Photograph, B 57190
MURRAY RIVER : A home-made dwelling on the River Murray bank constructed of iron and simulated "brick", standing on "floats" that allow for possible flooding. It was the home of a man, sitting outside reading a paper, for many years.
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59629
MURRAY RIVER: A lock under construction on the Murray River.
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59630
MURRAY RIVER: Equipment being used to construct a lock on the Murray River.
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59631
MURRAY RIVER: Construction of a lock on the Murray River.
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59632
MURRAY RIVER: Construction of Lock 4 on the Murray River.
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59633
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59634
MURRAY RIVER: A lock on the Murray River.
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59635
c. 1925, Photograph, B 59638
MURRAY BRIDGE: A view of a industrial area at Murray Bridge.
c. 1924, Photograph, B 60343
MURRAY BRIDGE: Members of the Murray Bridge rowing team.
1924, Photograph, B 60346
MURRAY BRIDGE: Members of the Murray Bridge crew resting on oars at the Paris Olympics, 1924. From left: H.E. Graetz; B.D. Thomas; W.E. Jarvis; A.V. Scott; A.C. Taeuber; W.H. Pfeiffer; F.M. Cummings; W.M. Sladden (stroke); R.A. Cummings (cox).
c. 1890, Photograph, PRG 23/6/2/9
MURRAY RIVER: A small party of men having a picnic breakfast on the banks of the River Murray, possibly members of the 1890 Royal Pastoral Commission.
1922, Photograph, B 60776
KINGSTON-ON-MURRAY: Members of E. & W.S. lock 3 staff and and Kingston-on-Murray football teams.
c. 1898, Photograph, B 62476
MURRAY RIVER: Women and children photographed at a village settlement on the Murray River resting and standing by a temporary shelter made from hessian, wood and eucalyptus branches.
c. 1898, Photograph, B 62477
MURRAY RIVER: Women and children standing in the shade of gum trees near tents and temporary shelters at a village settlement on the Murray River in South Australia.
c. 1898, Photograph, B 62478
MURRAY RIVER: Men standing near temporary dwelling places constructed with brushwood, hessian, timber, and eucalyptus branches at a village settlement on the Murray River, South Australia.
Scott, Jenny, 1986, Photograph, B 68942
P.S. Murray Princess cruising on the river near Goolwa.
Scott, Jenny, 1986, Photograph, B 68954
The P.S. Murray Princess cruising on the River Murray at Goolwa, seen from the middle deck. The northern shoreline and houses on Hindmarsh Island are in the background.
Scott, Jenny, 1986, Photograph, B 68955
The P.S. Murray Princess cruising on the River Murray at Goolwa, seen from the middle deck, and showing the stairway to the lower deck.